Saturday, July 12, 2008

Remain Silent and Silenced You Will Be!
by Phil Branch

As a tag-a-long post to the previous message "Vote Like You Have Never Voted Before", I am adding a short note with links to easily contact your Senators and Representative. So many times while chewing the fat with my friends and bantering back and forth about various political issues, I have heard "Man, something needs to be done!" or "How did we get in this predicament?" I am sure you have heard similar. There is no reason not to speak up. Today it is so easy to contact our lawmakers via computer. Yes, you might say it doesn't do any good. In fact I have felt that way myself. However in watching the results from power groups like and the results they achieve by linking their web-viewers to form-emails, I can't help but believe it can work for the rest of us as individuals.

You see, I feel confident that when a lawmaker receives concerned emails "in quantity" it has to make them think. Those people like their high paying jobs, with huge benefits and great retirement. Not to mention they don't have to pay into the Social Security system like the rest of us. However, as I just said it surely takes a large quantity of emails to get their attention. If enough of us write on a similar topic it has to cross their mind that they probably should take action on the subject. Otherwise they just might not be re-elected. Much like our need to vote, more of us should let our opinions be heard regarding the law making process. It’s too easy not too!

Below are two links that will allow you to do just that. Open the link or copy the address and paste it into your browser, select your state and you will see the appropriate Representative or Senators email contact. Select whom you wish to write and another screen will open for you to prepare your email.

If you object to certain things going on, tired of our freedoms being taken away, then Please take full advantage of the two links above. Don't count on the rest of us, take a stand and let your voice be heard.

Remain Silent and Silenced You Shall Be!

Keep an eye on the Sky

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Can't wait to watch your place in cyberspace expand!
