Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"The Age of the Cyber Wars"
by Sharon Clemens

We have witnessed an unprecedented event in the last two weeks—the fall of an administration largely through an internet-organized revolt.

I have been pulling together thoughts on the growing Arab uprisings in the Middle East and not in a hurry to do so as one thing is obvious—this is about more than Egypt, or Tunisia for that matter… A much larger movement of global proportions is at work and we will not know the full effect until the dust settles. But when the dust settles, life as we know it has been significantly affected. The cyberspace aspects of the revolt is one element. The utter lack of standards of truth and rule of law is another. Regime change is going rogue.

In a cyber war, a movement can become a law unto itself as it extends beyond national boundaries and ideologies. It was Joel Rosenberg in his video blog who I first heard comment on the lawlessness taking place in the Egyptian riots. [The Joshua Fund Blog, February 8, 2011]

Rosenberg pointed out that a spirit of lawlessness is evident on a global scale. Can we say this lawlessness is taking on Biblical proportions? I believe so. Our own president has joined the ranks of world leaders who place themselves above the law. The administration has been ruled in contempt of court regarding oil drilling restrictions and the health care legislation; the administration chooses to ignore those rulings.

2 Thessalonians 2:7 – “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He [the Holy Spirit] who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.”

Paul told the Thessalonians that a lawless spirit that is demonic in nature would increase until it would be manifested in a one-world ruler known as the Antichrist and his “beast” system. We are alive to see this lawlessness take on global proportions. It is currently manifesting itself in “revolutions” in the Arab world that have little to do with Democracy, in spite of the media spin.

“The Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions did not just spontaneously erupt. No…They are well planned, drawn out, militant efforts to bring about revolutionary change on a global scale.” [Terresa Monroe-Hamilton] (Facebook)

Monroe-Hamilton goes on to document those pulling the strings behind the scenes in the Middle East. She spotlights The Alliance for Youth Movements [AYM], a global network of young people against violence and oppression. That anti-oppression tag sounds good, but its all PR. Their weapons were as progressive as the age—technological communication. What we saw, especially in Egypt because of the media coverage, was an uprising that was orchestrated through Internet communication. We witnessed, on satellite feed, a high-tech revolution—a cyberspace war.

What is especially disturbing in Monroe-Hamilton’s article, “Soros, the Youth, High Tech and the Fundamental Change that is Revolution,” is that the AYM began with a December 2008 summit, not in the Middle East or the back rooms of Egypt. It began in New York City. The Alliance is a combination of youth from 18 countries, American celebrities such as Whoopi Goldberg and Facebook Co-Founder Dustin Moskovitz, and U.S. government politicians and high tech elites. [Terresa Monroe-Hamilton and re-printed on Worldview Weekend,]

Monroe-Hamilton believes the end game is nothing less than worldwide chaos resulting in a New World Order. It is brilliant. Use technology to orchestrate change by inciting an economically deprived populace. Mubarak activated an internet kill switch, but only after the puppet masters had their cohorts in place with a seat at the table. By the way, the manipulators have their own kill switch capabilities, to use at their discretion.

Finally, define the revolt in whatever terminology sells it. Democracy sounds good in the West. This would smack of conspiracy theory except those who are conspiring aren’t even trying to hide. They are too self-righteous to do so. They are openly and blatantly above the law--LAWLESS.

Biblical prophecy, the ultimate source of truth, confirms the ultimate take-over of global kingdoms by a one-world system [Revelation 13; Daniel 7:23-25]. This particular movement is part of a much bigger plan. Whether an orchestrated Islamic movement will accomplish its final goal has yet to be seen as the timing is up to the Lord, not the AYM or their money man, George Sorros. But students of Bible prophecy have every reason to watch the lawless use of human technology with interest. The prophet Daniel was told centuries ago that the end times preceding Christ’s return would be identified as an age of increased knowledge [Daniel 12:4].

Hasn’t knowledge increased in every age of man? Of course; but knowledge has increased exponentially in the last century. Technology is advancing faster than the human ability to keep up with it, which is why Daniel 12:4 also speaks of men running in all directions, as if in chaos and confusion. Why buy the latest I-Phone? In three months, it will be out-dated.

It stands to reason that those who are on the cutting edge of new technology and communication are using their tech-savvy to advance their political agendas. They control a weapon of immense power—one that can be implemented instantly and everywhere. Many are invited to “play” in this virtual reality world, but all who play are controlled by the creator of the game, whether they know it or not.

Prophecy teachers are reminding us of passages such as Isaiah 19 that predict a time when Egypt, which has a history of civil strife, will yet experience a period of increasing economic destruction and a worse ruler than they have known in the past. Worse times are coming for Egypt. [See David Virkler article below.]

Although those responsible for Mubarak’s fall claim they want reform and new elections, history proves that it is the organized and financed groups that assume control in a void. ElBaradei conveniently suspended his board membership in the International Crisis Group the week before offering his leadership experience to Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood is on his resume’.

The ICG has its fingers in orchestrated global crisis, and George Soros is one of eight members of the ICG executive committee. Time does not permit an extensive discussion of Soros, but even a cursory search will provide all the information you need for a character sketch. To put it succinctly, he is anti-America and anti-Israel and he puts his billions where his hatred is. Isn’t it ironic that the internet provides such information to anyone who bothers to look and yet is often owned and operated by those being researched? Men such as Soros and ElBaradei arrogantly hide in plain sight, protected by wealth and power. They flaunt their lawlessness. [Soros Fingerprints on Mideast Chaos, World Net Daily]

As a child of the Cold War, I remember the concern during the Vietnam War. The thinking was that if nations such as Vietnam fell to communism, the “domino effect” would cause other Asian nations to become communist. Although the Communist tide was partially stemmed, it did not die. Now we are watching a domino effect in the Middle East. It has long been the ambition of Islamic nations to restore the Islamic Empire with a caliphate in Egypt. We are seeing an organized effort to realize this ambition. What the Muslim world does not understand is that they are playing into God’s hands.

Psalm 83 is another passage of scripture garnering attention in light of the conflict in Arab nations. Verses 17 and 18 clearly indicate that the nations mentioned will receive a future judgment:

“Let them be confounded and dismayed forever; yes, let them be put to shame and perish, that they may know that You, whose name alone is the LORD, are the Most High over all the earth.” Psalm 83:17-18

The tribes mentioned specifically in Psalm 83 are Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites [of Hagar, who was Egyptian], Gebal and Amalek—nomadic descendants of Esau, Ammon, the Amalekites—descendants also of Esau, Philistia, Tyre, and Assyria. Roughly, these ancient tribal areas comprise the modern nations of Jordan and extending into the Arabian peninsula, the Assyrian region of Iraq-Syria and Turkey, Gaza, and Southern Lebanon now occupied by Syrian terrorist groups.

All of these regions are traditional enemies of Israel and surround the modern state of Israel.

Isaiah 17 also prophesies a future time when Damascus, Syria, will be completely destroyed, never to rise as a city again. This is also yet in the future as Damascus exists as a city in our day. Rosenberg also cites Jeremiah 49:23-27 in support of a future destruction of Damascus. The destruction of Syria’s major city is symbolic of a blow against the nation as a whole. Syria is a modern enemy of the nation of Israel as well as an ancient one.

Ezekiel 36 and 37 speaks of a future time when the nations surrounding Israel [36:7] are judged. The time of judgment is when Israel is “about to come,” vs. 8. Also 36:24, “For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land.” Israel will fully return to their land in the end times, and they are returning even now in growing numbers. See also 37:21-22. Ezekiel 35 through 37 places this judgment against Israel’s surrounding enemy nations at the time of their end times’ returning.

Lawless men are preparing for a global take-over. However, their destruction of free rule and capitalism to be replaced with Islamic control will prepare them for final destruction. When the Arab nations become Islamic states ruled by Sharia law, they will fulfill their destiny by setting their sights on Israel. The motivation for their attack against Israel is defined in Ezekiel 35:10-11—they seek to possess Israel and destroy the Jewish people, whom they hate.

Edom, which is a nomadic tribe that is a root of the Arab nations, is spoken against in Ezekiel 36:5—“Surely I have spoken in My burning jealousy against the rest of the nations and against all Edom, who gave My land to themselves as a possession, with wholehearted joy and spiteful minds, in order to plunder its open country.”

The enemies of Israel shall be judged and defeated but Israel will be protected, Ezekiel 36:7-8, 15 – “Therefore thus says the Lord God: ‘I have raised My hand in an oath that surely the nations that are around you shall bear their own shame. But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come…Nor will I let you hear the taunts of the nations anymore, nor bear the reproach of the peoples anymore…”

Ezekiel 38-39 may be a separate war or one closely related to the destruction of the “surrounding” enemies of Israel. The Ezekiel 38 war pulls in Russia, Iran, Ethiopia, Libya, Turkey, and possibly Sudan and other elements of the Arabian peninsula and Africa.

The mystery of lawlessness that Paul speaks of in 2 Thessalonians has another name. It is anti-Semitism. Ezekiel 35:5 calls it an “ancient hatred.” The roots of anti-Semitism can be traced back to the blood feud between Isaac and Ishmael and Jacob and Esau. But it is more than a family dispute; it is quite simply demonic.

God has chosen to bless the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the specific line of the sons of Shem through Eber—the Hebrews [Genesis 10:21]. The Arab line can claim only Abraham as a descendant. Their claim to the covenants and the land are not valid, and for this reason, the God of Israel will protect the birthright of His chosen people—the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is that simple.

Our Lord has reserved the ultimate judgment against anti-Semitism for the time of the end. His wrath has been reserved for future fulfillment. Are we seeing evidence that this fulfillment is nearing?

A sign that God’s wrath and judgment in a nation is near is conversion to Jesus Christ—the calling out of a remnant from those nations marked for judgment. This is His mercy and grace. Are we seeing evidence of revival in those Arab nations that are in play? Yes.

Rosenberg, in his blog, noted that God is reaching out to Syria, bringing many to Christ, through a documentary about Saul of Tarsus which was filmed in Damascus, Syria. Because Saul, who became Paul, was converted on the road to Damascus, the film documents this event. The film has had wide-spread acceptance in Syria as a result.

Tom Doyle notes that God is moving in powerful ways in recent years in Egypt. The Church as a whole in that nation is growing. One ministry saw some 3,100 people pray to receive Christ and numerous churches were planted in 2010 alone.

The best news for Egypt, Assyria and Israel, however, is future. Isaiah 19 predicts that the greatest day of revival for these three nations that are currently enemies is a future day near the Second Coming of Christ. “In that day five cities in the land of Egypt will speak the language of Canaan and swear by the LORD of hosts…In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian will come into Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians will serve with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria—a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, ‘Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.’” Isaiah 19:18-25

This spiritual alliance will be joined by a dedicated highway: Isaiah 11:16—“There will be a highway for the remnant of His people who will be left from Assyria, as it was for Israel in the day that he came up from the land of Egypt. Isaiah 35:8-9—“A highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall be called the Highway of Holiness.” THE DAYS OF BLESSING WILL COME TO GOD’S PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST. The remnant of believers of the Middle East will be joined as spiritual brothers by the "Route 66" of the Millennial Kingdom.

Miraculous conversions are also being reported now in predominantly Islamic nations such as Iran and Iraq. The Lord always calls out a remnant before judging, just as He pulled Lot out of Sodom and Noah and his family into the ark.

The tide of history is turning. Regime change is going rogue, and it could well happen here. Grab the life preserver of the Word of God and hold on. Exciting times are ahead.

In Him We Wait, Work, and Watch,
[Luke 12:35-59]

[Prophecy Chat is a weekly commentary of current events in light of Bible prophecy. Sharon L. Clemens is an evangelical, premillennial, dispensational teacher of eschatology. She can be reached for comment or questions by e-mail at]

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