Thursday, June 13, 2013

"The Bride Is Ready" Revelation 19
"FROM THE SERIES: When The Lamb Stands
By Sharon Clemens

Note: many scriptural passages are hyper-linked to Bible Gateway KJV of the Bible.. Now one click opens passage in a new window.

The final destruction of Babylon causes the multitudes in heaven to erupt in loud praise. What a fitting contrast to the mourning of lost men in chapter 18. The Bride of Christ raptured before the Tribulation will be among those singing praises before the throne. Yes, we will be part of this heavenly chorus, and from our heavenly perspective, we are in complete concert with our Lord's destruction of corrupt world systems. This outpouring of praise will herald the return of our Lord and King to take His rightful place on the throne of Israel.

The celebration is more than justified by the last verse of chapter 18, which summarizes the worst of the charges brought against Babylon. “And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth.” Babylon embodied all that led to the atrocities against God’s people, what can be called the Tribulation holocaust. Ref. Rev. 6:7; 11:7; 13:7, 15; 17:6. See 19:2—“…and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her.” The Tribulation holocaust of innocent blood will bring the wrath of God down on the heads of the citizens of the global system of Antichrist. Our heavenly King will return to destroy His enemies in person--and He will bring His Bride and the citizens of heaven with Him.

19:1-5—“After these things…” Immediately following the destruction of Babylon, the victory celebration begins. The praise is led by the twenty-four elders [representing the completed Church in heaven] and four living creatures we saw in chapters 4 and 5. Their “Amen” is a resounding affirmation of the justness of all they witnessed.

  • The voice from the throne is likely one of the cherubim as they are posted to the throne, calling all heaven to the worship celebration [vs. 5].
  • MacArthur, p. 2018--“The fall of Babylon ends whatever semblance of normalcy will still exist in the world after all the seals, trumpets, and bowls. Life will be totally disrupted and the end near. No more music, no industry, no preparing of food (“millstone”), no more power for light, and no more weddings because God will destroy the deceivers and deceived.” All that offered comfort and escape to the lost no longer exists.
  • The sinking millstone also represents the failure of the global economic system. Just as evil commercialism was pictured caught in a grain measuring basket, so the capital of the economy is pictured as a grain millstone slated for destruction.
  • 19:6--The longed for day of justice has come and all in heaven rejoice! “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.” Babylon’s fall was the last piece of business our Lord determined to accomplish before His physical return to ascend His earthly throne.
I can recall unforgettable worship moments in the over thirty years of my life in Christ. My spirit has been lifted to the throne in filled auditoriums with hundreds of voices and a full slate of instruments. I have also experienced the profound presence of Christ in a tiny group where our bowed heads offered soft praise in song. Nothing I have experienced in this life will come close or even compare to the purity of praise in the throne room as multitudes beyond number offer our praise in the very receiving presence of the Trinity.

What an honor to participate in this incredible throne room worship service. No praise band, church choir, orchestra, pipe organ or means of human sound will be able to equal the “voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings…” John describes what he heard in the only means available to him—the powerful sounds of nature. From his description, we can speculate that the worship chorus will not only be impressive in quality and volume, but will seem to exude power, just as we can literally feel the power of the crashing waters of Niagara Falls.


If you are new to the study of The Revelation, verse 7 of chapter 19 is worthy of special preview notice. Here is the only specific mention of the Church since we left the Church Age in chapter 3. The Church is the Bride of Christ and is introduced here, at the end of the Tribulation, NOT because the Church is IN the Tribulation, but because Christ is ready to return to the earth and He is bringing His bride [wife in some translations] with Him. Where has the Bride been? The Bride has been in heaven with Christ because the Church was raptured BEFORE the Tribulation began. The placing of the Bride exactly here is, in fact, strong evidence that the Church is NOT going through the Tribulation. The Church doesn’t appear on earth again until we return with our Bridegroom.

“For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready…” The Wedding in which the Church becomes the bride of Christ begins in heaven during the Tribulation. When the Church returns with Christ here in chapter 19, she already “has made herself ready” because the Church will receive her adornments at the Judgment of Rewards in heaven (The Bema) immediately following the Rapture. [See 1 Cor. 3:12-15; 2 Cor. 5:9, 10; Romans 14:10; 1 John 2:28.]

MacArthur, p. 2019—“Hebrew weddings consisted of 3 phases: 1) betrothal (often when the couple were children); 2) presentation (the festivities, often lasting several days, that preceded the ceremony); and 3) the ceremony (the exchanging of vows). The church was betrothed to Christ by His sovereign choice in eternity past (Eph. 1:4; Heb. 13:20) and will be presented to Him at the Rapture (John 14:1-3; 1 Thess. 4:13-18). The final supper will signify the end of the ceremony. This symbolic meal will take place at the establishment of the millennial kingdom and last throughout that 1,000 year period (cf. 21:2).” See also 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:22-24.

19:8—The “fine linen” she wears represents “the righteous acts of the saints.” Without Christ, all our works are as filthy rags. (Is. 64:6) Only in Christ are we able to produce the outward manifestation of inward virtue. [Note that this “linen” is not the imputed righteousness granted to believers at salvation, but the practical results of that righteousness in believers’ lives, according to MacArthur, p. 2019. These are the rewards given to the Church believers at The Bema, The Judgment of Rewards.] The elaborateness of our wedding gown will depend on the quality of our “righteous acts” while on earth—those done for the glory of God. The church is the bride, pure and faithful—never a harlot, like unfaithful Israel in Hosea (see Hosea 2). [Note: Not the “Harlot of Babylon” in chapter 17]

The church is the bride during the presentation feast in heaven, then comes to earth for the celebration of the final meal (the Millennium). After that event, the new order comes and the marriage is consummated (Rev. 21:1,2 ).” (MacArthur, The MacArthur Study Bible, p. 2019) (See also Heb. 12:22-24).

  • 19:9—“…Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!” THE BRIDE IS RETURNING WITH THE BRIDEGROOM, CHRIST, FOR THE WEDDING SUPPER, THE FINAL STAGE OF THE WEDDING.
  • Look carefully at the wording: “Blessed are those who are invited (called)…” Those who are singled out for blessing in this verse are not the Bride; the blessed are THE GUESTS. The bride doesn’t get invited, she invites, or in this case, her bridegroom invites to the wedding supper. Those invited as guests are believers from ages other than the Church Age.
  • What remnants are signified as guests:
  1. THOSE SAVED BEFORE PENTECOST but who were not alive at Pentecost. Pentecost can be called the birth of the Church because it was the day the Holy Spirit came to indwell existing believers and all who come to Christ thereafter—until the Rapture. (Acts 2:1ff.) These believers are no less “saved” although they are not “the church.” MacArthur: “It is really differing imagery rather than differing reality.” Note that this group of believers includes all believers in the Old Testament historical period and believers in the New Testament who died before the coming of the Holy Spirit.
CLARIFICATION OF THE CHURCH: Those who were living at the time of Pentecost are believers specifically called the church, those “in Christ” because Christ is in us in the person of the Holy Spirit. [2 Cor. 5:17; Romans 12:5; 16:7; Gal. 3:27; 1 Thess. 4:16] This distinction is demonstrated in the Rapture passage in 1 Thess. 4:16: “And the dead in Christ will rise first.” For example, John the Baptist was not a believer who was in the category of “the church” because he was beheaded by Herod before Pentecost. John actually clarified his position in the Kingdom himself when he identified himself as a friend of the bridegroom:

“I am not the Messiah; I have been sent as his forerunner. It is the bridegroom to whom the bride belongs. The bridegroom’s friend, who stands by and listens to him, is overjoyed at hearing the bridegroom’s voice. This joy, this perfect joy, is now mine.” [John 3:29]
  1. THOSE SAVED IN THE TRIBULATION who were martyred or died during the seven year time period. These believers came to Christ after the Rapture. They will be resurrected and will attend the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in the Millennial Kingdom.
  1. BELIEVERS ALIVE IN EARTHLY BODIES. A remnant of believers will come to Christ after the Rapture during the Tribulation and will physically survive the seven years. They will enter the Millennial Kingdom in their un-resurrected physical bodies. It is this living remnant, both Jew and Gentile, who will re-populate the earth during the Kingdom.
  • 19:10—“fell at his feet.” The Bible forbids the worship of angels (Col. 2:18, 19). “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” The central theme of both Old Testament prophecy and New Testament preaching is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is history and literally, HIS STORY. The Bible tells of Christ from beginning to end, just as the Lord told His disciples on the road to Emmaus [Luke 24:25-27—“…And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.”
THE REVELATION, which means THE REVEALING OF CHRIST, is the culmination of all prophecy. It is a great omission by the church NOT to teach this incredible book of prophecy, “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

We are in the season of celebration of Christ’s first coming. Our Lord’s birth at Bethlehem and His earthly ministry fulfilled hundreds of Old Testament prophesies. Fulfilled prophecy is the strongest evidence for the validity of the Bible. Just as Christ came the first time as a baby to Bethlehem fulfilling prophecy, so He is coming again, and in the same way He left [Acts 1]. He will return in His human body bearing the marks of His death on the cross. He will return to the Mount of Olives, the same place from which He ascended into heaven to His Father. All of the prophecy concerning His Second Coming will be as completely and perfectly fulfilled as were the prophecies concerning His First Coming…and His return may be very near.

In Him We Wait, Work, and Watch,
Luke 12:35-59

[Prophecy Chat is a weekly commentary of current events in light of Bible prophecy. Sharon L. Clemens is a premillennial teacher of eschatology. She can be reached for comment or questions by e-mail at]

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