Friday, November 7, 2008

More on Sharia Finance, at Wall Street
by Phil Branch

After posting my short article this morning 09/07/08. I continued researching and found a compelling video that breifly explans how Sharia Finance is working it's way into the United States financial markets. Personally, my retirement annuity has fallen over 30% in the last 6 months. The idea that some investment companies which are scrambling to make ends meet and new ways to make money just may turn to Sharia Finance bothers me. In fact I intend to call my broker tomorrow to be sure that none of my investment (that remains!) is in anyway involved with Sharia Finance. Please, click the link below, watch the video and decide for yourself what you feel you should do.

Sharia Finance Video   by, ACT! for America

Now, the end of the video may come across rather commercial, however the idea of an organization standing up for what is right doesn't bother me at all.

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Keep an eye on the Sky

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