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Revelation Chapter 12 - The mid-trib interval before the final judgments continues:
Our Lord dedicates chapter twelve to unmasking the real villain behind anti-Semitism, correctly identifying the players, and resolving the conflict. The prophet Ezekiel called hatred of the Jews “an ancient hatred,” manifested especially by the nations surrounding Israel [Ezekiel 35:5]. However, history proves that hatred of God’s chosen people involves more than jealously over land rights or tribal feuds. It is a demonic hatred that has caused whole societies to place blame for their national ills on the shoulders of a displaced people, and it must be vanquished. This unreasonable hatred will increase until all nations of the earth will seek to destroy the race of the Jews and their homeland [Zechariah 12:3]. We know this moment of insanity as Armageddon.
Support for Israel’s right to exist is quickly evaporating, even within the administration of our own nation and in some Christian denominations. Students of Bible prophecy recognize that the United States, a modern-day ally of Israel, will side with the global confederation of Antichrist against Israel. In Revelation 12, the villain in this spiritual feud is revealed and we see behind the politics to the real truth: Anti-Semitism is spiritual warfare between God and Satan. Here in chapter twelve, Satan’s final attempt to destroy Israel is thwarted as a prelude to Antichrist’s complete defeat at Christ’s Second Coming.
Revelation 11:19 to 12:1 – The last verse of chapter 11 is included because the opening of heaven is the stage on which the tabloid of chapter twelve is enacted. The heavenly portal indicates the importance and scope of the subject about to be resolved—anti-Semitism.
1. THE SUN-CLOTHED WOMAN. The identity of the woman is ISRAEL. Her identity is crucial to the interpretation of this chapter and the book of The Revelation because how she is interpreted reveals the system of interpretation employed overall.
* “A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven…”—the “woman.” She is not a literal woman but a symbol or sign representing a nation. Her identity is explained in previous scripture—Old Testament scripture that would be especially apparent to the nation of Israel because this information is relevant to their continued existence. * The woman is identified as clothed with the sun and moon and with a crown of twelve stars. The same celestial symbols appeared in Joseph’s dream in Genesis 37:9. “Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the ‘sun’ and the ‘moon’ and the ‘eleven stars’ made obeisance to me.” Joseph becomes the twelfth star of the vision of The Revelation, revealing that the stars represent the twelve tribes of Israel that would come from the sons of his father, Jacob. In the Genesis account, Jacob, the father of the twelve tribes, is identified as the “sun” of Joseph’s vision and Rachel, the mother, is the moon. Together, the symbols represent the completed nation of Israel. * The woman is pregnant and about to give birth to a child that Satan waits to destroy. [Wiersbe, Be Victorious, p. 98] “Since this child is identified as Jesus Christ [Revelation 12:5]…this symbolic woman can be none other than the nation Israel.” Israel is pictured in the Old Testament as the wife of God, symbolically, and Christ was genetically born a Jew of the nation, Israel, and the tribe of Judah. [Is. 54:5, 6; Jer. 3:6-8; 31:32; Ezek. 16:32; Hos. 2:16] |
In light of our Lord’s depiction of Israel in this way, those who wish to replace Israel in God’s plan, theologically, or betray Israel, politically, would do well to re-examine how God views her. GOD WILL DEFEND ISRAEL AND DEFEAT ALL THOSE WHO HATE HER.
* THE WOMAN IS NOT THE CHURCH: [Larkin, The Book of Revelation, p. 90] “Israel is again and again compared to a woman, and a married woman, in the Old Testament. Isaiah 54:1">…but the Church is a VIRGIN, and an ESPOUSED Virgin; 2 Cor. 11:2. Eph. 5:25-27. The ‘Sun Clothed Woman’ is described as being ‘with child,’ and ‘travailing to bring forth.’ When was the Church in such a condition? To be found in such a condition would unfit her to be the Bride of Christ. Nowhere in the scriptures is it intimated that the Church is ever to be a Mother. But it is so prophesied of Israel…Paul says—‘Who are Israelites…of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came.’ Romans 9:4-5…"Isaiah 9:6-7 – ‘Unto us a child is born unto us a son is given.’ Before the promised heir could be born Israel had to pass through many sore afflictions and judgments. These were her ‘travail time’ or labor pains. [See also , Isaiah 66:7, 8 for the travail of Israel.] * SHE IS NOT THE VIRGIN MARY: [McGee, Revelation Volume II, p. 150] “…we identify the woman as the nation Israel. No one woman who has ever lived, including the virgin Mary, fits into this.” However, the general interpretation of the Roman church and much denominational literature is that this is the virgin Mary. This is another attempt to place the Church in the Tribulation, which is why the interpretation of the Woman in chapter twelve is so significant. |
* SHE IS NOT THE EUROPEAN UNION: I include this because symbols of the European Union incorporate a crown of stars in their logos. Europa, a pagan female symbol of the unification of Europe, is often pictured wearing the crown. Although Europa is not the positive symbol of the Woman in Revelation 12, she closely resembles the pagan symbol of the false one-world religion and global Beast system of Antichrist in Revelation 17. Europa even rides a beast, as does the harlot. The similarity is too close not to take seriously. While the world sees a global government as the answer to world peace and prosperity, God has revealed in His Word that it will be the Beast system of Antichrist. |
It would be a reasonable deception for Antichrist to claim that the woman in Revelation 12, the Queen of Heaven of the one-world church, is a prophecy predicting the one-world government and religion in a positive way. The Word of God will be twisted and used to deceive during the time of Antichrist. Deceptive manifestations of Mary are increasing, such as those that occurred at Fatima in Portugal. The worship of Mary is a unifying element of world religions, but in the visions, she speaks blasphemy calling for worship of God through her or worship of her as co-redemptrix. Islam also reveres Mary as the mother of their prophet, Jesus. Their “Jesus” is not the Son of God but a human prophet of their Islamic messiah. Muslims are visiting sites where the demonic visions of Mary are appearing. Such signs and lying wonders deceive those who refuse the truth, as scripture predicts [2 Thess. 2:9-12].
* Revelation 12:3—“another sign” appears in heaven, an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. Note that he is also called “that ancient serpent…the devil or Satan” in verse 9. This is the same snake that deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden, the great villain of all times. His true nature as a destroying dragon, a fearsome beast, is revealed in this symbolism. He is the Woman’s [Israel’s] mortal enemy. * Satan appears as a dragon thirteen times in this book. Red speaks of bloodshed [John 8:44], a fitting color for “the destroyer” and murderer. * The seven heads/ten horns is figurative language for Satan’s domination of seven past worldly kingdoms and ten future kingdoms [Daniel 7:7, 20, 24]. McGee, p. 155] “Seven heads suggests the perfection of wisdom which characterized the creation of Satan who was originally the ‘covering cherub.’ Ez. 28:12 speaks of how he was at his origin: ‘full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.’” Dr. McGee warns that Satan will not appear as the ugly creature of fiction—he will appear beautiful, in order to deceive, but this vision reveals his true nature. * The seven heads may represent past kingdoms that were dominated by Satan through the Babylonian Mystery Religion that originated at Babel in Babylon: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and finally the Revived Roman Empire of Antichrist that is yet to come. This view is supported by Dr. Gade and Dr. McGee. MacArthur is also of the view that all false religion stems from Babel. * Horns represent power, as in the animal kingdom, both offensive and defensive. Ten is a number that symbolizes the totality of human military and political power assisting the Antichrist as he controls the world. The Ten Horns then are the ten kings of Daniel 7 and Revelation 17, the power base of Antichrist. These ten kings or kingdoms are also the ten toes of the image in Daniel 2. * Satan the dragon has the same characteristics as the Antichrist, the Beast, in Revelation 13, with one exception. With Antichrist, the crowns are on his ten horns rather than on his heads to represent the current domination of the world by Antichrist’s ten-nation confederacy. [McGee, p. 154] “The reason that the beast in chapter 13 is similar to the dragon is because both the restored Roman Empire and Antichrist are empowered and controlled by Satan.” Satan is the power behind the throne. * Satan has inflicted relentless pain on Israel [Daniel 8:24], desiring to kill the Woman before she could bring forth the child, Christ, that would ultimately destroy him. He tried to do so through genocide, using evil Harmon in the book of Esther and again through Herod killing the babies under two years of age at the time of Christ’s birth. * [12:4] - “a third of the stars of heaven” – Satan’s original rebellion [Isaiah 14:12]; Ez. 28:11ff] resulted in one-third of the angelic host joining his insurrection and becoming demons. These Satan will bring with him when he is expelled from heaven [12:9] because they are attached to his tail, meaning they are bound to him from the fall. Angels are spoken of as stars in Job 38:7. The rebellion they then instigate on the earth causes much of the increasing intensity of wrath at the end of the Tribulation. They will most likely also follow him as he is cast into the Bottomless Pit, Revelation 20:3, and then the Lake of Fire, Matthew 25:41. * [12:4] – “and the dragon stood…to devour the child” – Unable to prevent the virgin birth of Christ or to kill the child, Satin continues to persecute Israel, the chosen people of God [Matthew 2:13-18; Luke 4:28, 29]. |
3. THE MAN-CHILD [MALE CHILD] - Revelation 12:5,6
* Do anti-Semites who say they are Christian need to be reminded that Jesus Christ in His incarnation was of Jewish descent [Matt. 1:1; 2 Tim. 2:8—Jesus Christ, descended from the King of Israel, David]? Although this does not excuse Israel from the consequences of sin and rejection of Christ as Messiah individually, is the nation any more accountable than humanity in general? Rome was also the vehicle of Christ’s crucifixion, as were the leaders of Israel. However, God the Father was sovereign over all. [Isaiah 53:10 – “Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him…”] Christ willingly offered Himself: “Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.” [Hebrews 10:9] “…looking unto Jesus…who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” [Hebrews 12:2] * [12:5] – “rod of iron” – describes Jesus’ coronation as King over the nations of the world [11:15; 19:15; Psalm 2:6-9—“Ask of me, and I [the LORD] shall give Thee the heathen for Thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron: Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” Larkin points out that Christ’s Millennial rule will be autocratic and strong, for He will rule with a rod or scepter of iron, or firm control. His reign will not be one of tyranny but His will shall be supreme. Man will be shown justice balanced with love. “her child was caught up to God” – Christ’s ascension is in view [Acts 1:9-11; 2:33; Hebrews 1:1-3; 12:2]. Note that He will return the same way He left, Acts 1:11. He will alight to the Mount of Olives opposite the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Zechariah 14:4. |
[12:6] The Woman, Israel, is now viewed as a sub set, a remnant of believing Jews. This remnant is shown fleeing the persecution of Antichrist during the Tribulation. They flee into the wilderness where God has prepared a refuge for the last half of the Tribulation, three-and-one-half years [one thousand two hundred and sixty days]. The narrative provides more information in verses 13 to 17 and we will pick up the exposition there. |
[* 12:7-12] – “And war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out…” |
* Will the Raptured Saints passing through the realm of the prince of the power of the air, Satan, enflame him? [Ephesians 2:2] * Wiersbe adds that after the church is taken to heaven, believers will stand before the Bema and receive their rewards for service to Christ [Romans 14:10-12; 1 Cor. 3:10-15; 2 Cor. 5:10-11]. All of our garbage will be burned away leaving only gold and precious stones for our heavenly garment. This will enrage our accuser, Satan, who can see only that we deserve death for our sinfulness and he demands our souls as his own. Yes, the church is covered with “spots and wrinkles” [Eph. 5:24-27], but Jesus Christ stands as our heavenly advocate [1 John 2:1-2], defending us. Because Jesus Christ died for our sins, we overcome Satan’s accusations by the blood of the Lamb. But how furious Satan will be, Wiersbe points out, that the church comes forth in glory. His fury may put him over the edge and into battle with Michael. |
* [12:7] – the name Michael means “who is like God.” His name is in contrast to his opponent, Satan, who wanted to be God. Michael is an Archangel [Jude 9], and is the great prince of Israel in particular [Daniel 10:13; 21; 12:1.] He is Israel’s appointed archangel. * Because Daniel 12:1 states that Michael will “arise” during the Tribulation when also the believing Jews will be “delivered,” the war in heaven may come as a climax to Michael expediting the resurrection of Israel. * MICHAEL AND THE ARMIES OF GOD’S ANGELS WIN! [12:8] Satan’s access to heaven is now forever closed and off limits. Up to this time, Satan was required to report to sovereign God as all created beings were to do [Job 1:6; 2:1]. * [12:12] – Knowing he has a short time, the remainder of the Tribulation, to do any more damage, Satan will intensify his efforts and specifically target Israel [12:13, 17]. Even in defeat, Satan will carry out his anti-Semitic hatred. |
The Lord’s preservation of the Jewish remnant is an example of how pockets of believers can survive the Tribulation in order to re-populate the Millennial Kingdom. It is speculated that the place where the Jewish remnant defined in this chapter will flee will likely be to a place in Jordan, possibly the ancient fortified city of Petra. Although Dr. Wiersbe is not convinced it will be Petra, he says the lesson for all is clear: “God cares for those whom He wants to use to accomplish His purposes on earth.” [Wiersbe, p. 102]
Ice and Demy in Fast Facts on Bible Prophecy From A to Z, pp. 39-40, note that Petra is also thought to be Bozrah in Edom [Isaiah 63:1-6]. Christ may descend to Bozrah to save the remnant from discovery by Antichrist, destroying the enemy forces there before returning to alight on the Mount of Olives. This is why the prophet Isaiah reveals He returns with His robes covered in the blood of His enemies.
Petra fits the qualifications of general location. Old Testament passages, when gleaned and harmonized, indicate that Israel’s midtribulational flight will be:
1. in the mountains
2. in the wilderness
3. a place prepared in advance
4. very defensible
[Fruchtenbaum, Footsteps, p. 202]
* [12:14] - The remnant [Woman] “was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place…” This may indicate a supernatural means of “spiriting” the remnant to their hiding place. It may also be a symbolic way of describing extraordinary means by which the remnant reaches safety. [See also Exodus 19:4; Deut. 32:11-12; Is. 40:31.] If the Tribulation remnant reads their Bible, they may be well-prepared for the moment they must flee Jerusalem, as their Lord warned in Matthew 24:15-21. He warned them to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Evacuations by airlifts from secret locations could transport groups through a believers’ underground or resistance movement. * If they must flee, going back to take nothing, how will they survive? Note that God prepares “her place” and promises that she will be “nourished” there. |
Christ may also provide water again from the rock, miraculously. Or, He may allow enough rain to fall on Petra that the ancient cisterns and water troughs cut into the rock walls will fill again with water to sustain them.
* 12:15-16] – Antichrist makes an attempt to pursue the remnant. His offensive is likened to spewing a flood of water, which may mean a flood of military force. Wiersbe speculates that this flood may be symbolic of anti-Semitic propaganda that Antichrist will use against the Jews during the Tribulation. Just as Hitler, a type of antichrist, waged a war of hate against the Jews in W.W.II, so the Antichrist will turn the world against the Jews of the Tribulation through political propaganda. But the earth will open its mouth and swallow the flood. If it is a literal force, this is similar to how Israel was delivered from Pharaoh’s armies in the Exodus. The Red Sea opened for Israel, then closed upon Pharaoh’s army, destroying them. Here, the Lord may use another targeted earthquake to swallow Antichrist’s men just as the Red Sea swallowed Pharaoh’s. * When Antichrist fails to capture the remnant, he turns aside to pursue what he believes may be easier targets [12:17], “the rest of her offspring.” Satan experiences failure in his heavenly warfare and is now frustrated in defeating the fleeing remnant. The passage states that he is “enraged.” |
In the next chapter, John’s narrative provides a character sketch of Satan’s most well-known villains of history, the Antichrist and the False Prophet.
In Him We Wait, Work, and Watch,
[Luke 12:35-59]
[Prophecy Chat is a weekly commentary of current events in light of Bible prophecy. Sharon L. Clemens is an evangelical, premillennial, dispensational teacher of eschatology. She can be reached for comment or questions by e-mail at farmgrove@frontier.com]
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