Friday, September 26, 2008

Our Governments War with God
by Phil Branch

Below is an article from Brannon Howse discussing "The War on God With Your Money In Your U.S. Capitol" After you read the article and watch the video I think you will agree this will be a sad statement to our "Maker". Furthermore as is recorded over an over again in our bibles, those that turned their backs on God received their just reward when God returned the act in kind. Every step our country takes like this is allowing the U.S. to move further and further away from our Creator, Savior and Benefactor. How do you think God will feel about this action? I realize as weaponry goes we are one of the mighty of the world. However without God on our side that won't even matter. We (the U.S. government) have been attempting to separate ourselves from the Lord for quite a while. I must ask, with all of our science and technology why do we have such an aids problem, why has there been such calamities in the form of hurricanes to our shores, how did just a "few" radicals destroy the World Trade Center, why did the huge bridge collapse in Minneapolis, what caused the bank failures, why are we on the brink of economic demise. We know undoubtedly that all this can't have been merely accidental nor coincidental. No! Surely, it's because our country is moving away from God.

So I implore you, read the article below, watch the video and I feel you will agree that you are once again presented with an opportunity. An opportunity to take a stand. An opportunity to affect change by calling the number given within his article and sharing your desire to keep God present within this an all Government buildings.

You know, Dale Carnegie has a small segment within one of it's course that discusses "What the worse that can happen?" Well, I am of the opinion that the call Brannon and I are asking you to make is most important to "you". You see, once you make the call should our voices be too few or fall on deaf ears, nothing will change. Life will continue as normal. May I remind you of the events I mentioned above, that took place with in just the last decade, should be considered as "normal", when God is not present. Things like those will surely continue and no doubt expand if we continue down the road and away from Him. Why did I single you out a few sentences back? Because regardless of what the government decides to do there will be an all mighty witness to your effort.

May God Bless Us All...

Contact Your Senators
Contact Your Representative


A War on God At The U.S. Capitol.

A Letter From Brannon Howse.

View the clip on the Capitol Visitor Center by clicking here

Dear Fellow Americans,

I need your help today. A $600 million dollar godless pit is about to open at your U.S. Capitol. Please alert all the people in your network to the urgent need to call the U.S. Capitol at 202-224-3121 and tell our members of Congress to not silence our Godly history and heritage. I am alerting my conservative friends within talk radio and asking them to join me in using our radio broadcasts to alert the American people to this tragedy. Already in the past few hours I have heard from several well known national conservative leaders that have thanked me for alerting them of this situation. They have promised to join us in our effort to stop the war on God in our U.S. Capitol. Together we can bring this to the attention of millions of Americans. We must respond today, Friday, September 26th. Time is of the essence. Washington, D. C. is filled with impressive structures openly acknowledging God: the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, the Library of Congress, the Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial, and many others.

The newest federal structure (scheduled to open in just a few months) is the Capitol Visitor Center - a massive underground facility that spans more area than the Capitol itself. It will acquaint some 15,000 visitors each day -including thousands of school children - with the 200 year history of the Capitol as well as its current content and operation. However, the new Visitor Center has deliberately censored mentions of God from both the Capitol's historical and current aspects. View the clip on the Capitol Visitor Center by clicking here For example, in presenting the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, Visitor Center officials actually deleted the words "religion and morality" from the document. And in presenting images of the current Speaker's Rostrum in the House Chamber, they deliberately omitted the phrase "In God We Trust" from its prominent location engraved in marble above the Speaker's head. There are many other examples. No wonder a congressman has dubbed it the "$600 million dollar godless pit." But not only does the Center censor God and religion from America's history but it also contains basic historical errors about the war of 1812, the Bill of Rights, the constitutional separation of powers, and many other simple topics.

For nearly five years, my friend and frequent Worldview Weekend speaker, David Barton has been working with many Members of Congress in monitoring the content and displays within the Center. Initially, those Members were able to correct bad information in the Center, but in the last two years under the new congressional leadership, there has been a real reversal in the willingness of Visitor Center officials to make changes. Therefore, it is now time to get the public involved. Former Secretary of Education Bill Bennett stated that "Sunlight is the best disinfectant," and he is right. The link below will show you what is occurring in this new federal structure and what you can do to help us get things changed. Thanks for your help on this important issue!

Thank you and my God see fit to continue to defend and protect our nation as we seek to bless Him.

Brannon Howse

By the way, if you know of others who might enjoy periodic email on items usually neglected in the news, encourage them to sign up at

Brannon Howse News Alert: The War on God With Your Money In Your U.S. Capitol
Duration: 8:00
Rating: 4-STARS

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