I want to Thank my returning bloggers and Welcome those new to "Eye on the Sky".
You may have read any one of many versions of an email circulating this year stating that people taking advantage of certain government entitlements should have to submit to drug testing in order to receive governmental aid. If like me you may have thought “Yeah Right!” That’ll never happen! Well it has, at least to a degree. Sen. David Vitter [R, LA] sponsored S. 3361, The Drug Free Families Act of 2008 on July 29, 2008.
S. 3361 would amend title IV of the Social Security Act to require States to implement a drug testing program for applicants for and recipients of assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
This is a big step towards this same requirement being applied to any and all individual public aid. Obviously this bill would have to pass before its content could be applied to other government entitlements. S.3361 is yet to be voted on and now is a great time for you to write your Senators and Representatives to let them know how you feel.
As in my previous commentary below are links that will take you to your specific Senators and Representative. I do so hope you “take a stand” on this important issue.
Contact Your Senators
Contact Your Representative
It has been found that short concise letters are the most effective. Personalize your message with stories, facts or examples from your own life to make your message more credible and influential with your Members of Congress. Using the template below simply fill in the appropriate name to whom you are writing along with your reason/s for support. Be sure to include your full name email address and mail address. The mail address is to confirm that you are in fact a constituent of the lawmaker you are writing. Who knows you may even get a reply as I have.
~~~ example ~~~
Dear Senator _________ or, Dear Representative _________,
Regarding S.3361 The Drug Free Families Act of 2008.
I support drug testing for those receiving taxpayer funds in this program because...
First and Last Name
Email address
Mail Address
Information Links to the bill: