Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen
by Phil Branch

Special note: All specific scriptures noted within the study below are linked to BibleGateway.com for easy reference.

Matthew 22:14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.” One of my favorite scriptures. This hectic world keeps us in a constant state of flux. Economy, Jobs, Housing, Wars, Finances, Catastrophe, all have our heads spinning. Yet, eternal peace can be obtained if we simply recognize it. Discernment is key as there are many deceivers all offering their solution to our problems. Yet there is only one place to find the real answer, there is only one source where you should present your question/s. God, the God of the Holy Bible can give you eternal peace. All you have to do is accept him. He offers the answers we seek to everything. No prejudice, no profiling, no vetting! Simply recognize His Son as the savior of our souls. To be chosen, you have to choose God over all and this choice is presented to us perpetually.

Read below for John MacArthurs full study of Matthew 22:14. Also, check out my blog tomorrow for, "Judging God", a study from Sharon L. Clemens, where she will share with us a further understanding of God's Mysterious ways.

Matthew 22:14 many are called, but few are chosen. The call spoken of here is sometimes referred to as the “general call” (or the “external” call)—a summons to repentance and faith that is inherent in the gospel message. This call extends to all who hear the gospel. “Many” hear it; “few” respond (see the many-few comparison in "7:13, 14"). Those who respond are the “chosen,” the elect. In the Pauline writings, the word “call” usually refers to God’s irresistible calling extended to the elect alone (Rom. 8:30)—known as the “effectual call” (or the “internal” call). The effectual call is the supernatural drawing of God which Jesus speaks of in John 6:44. Here a general call is in view, and this call extends to all who hear the gospel—this call is the great “whosoever will” of the gospel (cf. Rev. 22:17). Here, then, is the proper balance between human responsibility and divine sovereignty: the “called” who reject the invitation do so willingly, and therefore their exclusion from the kingdom is perfectly just. The “chosen” enter the kingdom only because of the grace of God in choosing and drawing them. MacArthur, J. J. (1997, c1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed.) (Mt 22:14). Nashville: Word Pub.

Keep an eye on the Sky


Anonymous said...

I so agree, Phil. God is the answer, right there in front of us. Everyone thinks they want the answers, until it involves faith in God. Then they deny the simple truth, and sink by choice back into blindness.

Anonymous said...

Dad, your post was great. The gospel for today's reading is Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18. I thought this reading would tie in nicely with your post since it is from the book of Matthew. I love you, Heather

Phil Branch said...

Thank You Sweetie, Glad you liked it and always happy to see your involvement.


Phil Branch said...
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