The computers of Bible prophecy students are smoking--burning up the internet with articles charting the coming of one-world government, also known as the New World Order. Like the joined threads of a vast fishing net, the many elements of global unity are dragging us kicking and screaming to an inevitable destiny. Perhaps some recent articles have crossed your computer desk: mandated electronic health records for every citizen in the world in order to control world population, far-reaching global economic integration, the dissolution of borders and national independence to be replaced with interdependence, the restriction of free markets and their replacement with Global New Deal socialism, the accusations of so-called evangelicals that discerning believers are the cults and those teaching watered-down doctrine are the "new spirituality." These are just a few of the radical measures transforming our political and social systems. [See sources below for articles. Also feel free to use the eBible Search left column of this page. The search results default to NIV which you can change to NKJ where my references are from.]
We truly are seeing the days Isaiah warned of when he said,
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness..."
[Isaiah 5:20]
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness..."
[Isaiah 5:20]
Some call this progression toward global one-world government [Rev. 13:1-10; Dan. 11:36-39], one-world economy [Rev. 18:1-19; Rev. 13:16, 17], and one-world religion [Rev. 17]a conspiracy--and it is. It is a conspiracy as old as time itself. However, I only use the term conspiracy with discerning friends because when I cite conspiracy theory to the "world," their eyes begin to glaze over and they tune me out as if I am the one who is O.T. L. [Out To Lunch]. To those with spiritual discernment, it is obvious that the battle between good and evil is a global conspiracy, utilizing the same weapons of warfare as man employs in human wars: propaganda, disinformation, slander and lies. Satan is the father of lies and he is very good at it. Isaiah defined it accurately when he warned that Satan and his followers would simply re-define good as evil--and vice-versa. This redefinition is the essence of the Politically Correct ideology.
Where Did This Conspiracy Begin--and Where Will It End?
* The conspiracy began when Lucifer, an angel of God, led a rebellion to usurp God's throne. He failed and lost his place in heaven, as a result of the sin of pride. Lucifer became Satan and has been warring with God ever since [Isaiah 14:12-21]. In every age, Satan organizes the lost and equips them to carry on the battle, hoping to dethrone the LORD God [Psalm 2]. His efforts fail, yet he is driven to continue because by nature, he is a destroyer [Revelation 9:11--Abaddon and Apollyon mean destroyer]. He lives to destroy and to murder; and he enjoys the destruction of his own minions in the process of trying to destroy the followers of Christ.
* Satan disrupts God's creation through the empires of man. He learned at the Tower of Babel [Genesis 11] that man is easily led when large masses follow the lie. There is comfort in numbers. God also knew that with populations come power and power corrupts human rulers. Instead of spreading throughout the earth, Nimrod, the first king to lead an organized rebellion against God, decided to encamp on the plain of Babel in order for his people to make a name for themselves--emulating man in place of God. Therefore, God broke up their numbers by supernaturally instituting different languages, dividing the people into smaller groups and tribes. Ironically, mankind did not learn from this and still seeks to UNIFY the world. Not only did the human race not learn from Nimrod's defeat--the European Union proudly advertises the coming together of the peoples of the world in a new Tower of Babel! The Tower of Babel is a symbol of man's failure, from God's perspective, not man's triumph. But the only truth man learns from history is that he learns nothing from history.
* The rebellion Nimrod began in Babel, Nebuchadnezzar continued in the same place--the first world empire that became known as Babylon. Babylon was the first of only 5 global empires that God prophesied would rule upon the earth before His return to establish His earthly kingdom. Babylon would fall to Media/Persia, Persia to Greece, Greece to Rome, and Rome would come together roughly on its earlier foundations in the latter days to be a revived Roman empire [Daniel chapter 2]. Throughout the history of man, Satan has conspired to use human empires against God's rule. In each age, he groomed men to be against Christ. They are known as types of antichrist until the final Antichrist of the Tribulation appears, the Son of Perdition.
* The Lord labels the span of these 5 world empires as The Times of the Gentiles [Luke 21:24]. The Times of the Gentiles can be described as the span of history in which Israel is trodden down by Gentile nations [non-Jewish nations] because Israel does not have a King from the line of David on the throne of Israel. When Christ Jesus returns to establish His earthly kingdom, He will reign on the throne of His father, David, from the Temple in Jerusalem, after defending Israel and defeating the kings of the earth. The Times of the Gentiles will end with the Lord's return at Armageddon and Christ will reign into eternity. [Zech. 12-14; Rev. 14; Rev. 19; Daniel 2:44--"And in the days of these [Gentile] kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever."
The battle between God and Satan is spiritual warfare, with significant differences:
* The winner was announced at the beginning of the battle. Genesis 3:15 prophesied that Satan would one day bruise the seed of the woman [Christ Jesus] on His heel, an allusion to Christ's crucifixion. Christ's death on the cross preceded His resurrection from the dead and victory over sin and death for all who believe. Therefore, Christ's wound was not mortal. However the Genesis prophecy predicts that Satan's head would be bruised--a mortal wound from which he would not recover. When Christ returns to the earth to take possession, Satan will be defeated and ultimately thrown into The Lake of Fire which is eternal death. [See Rev. 20:1-3 and 7-10]
* Satan's defeat is orchestrated by God in two stages: Christ's first coming and His second coming. Dr. McGee calls the first and second comings of Christ two stages of one complete event. When Christ came to the earth the first time, He purchased us with His blood on the cross and redeemed us from sin and death. At the Lord's return, He will take possession of what He died for. Christ purchased His believers and redeemed creation with His blood, and it is His to reign over.
* Although Satan conspires against God, he is doomed to destruction. All who side with the evil one will share in his defeat. Take comfort in the fact that those who proudly think they are orchestrating a GRAND CONSPIRACY that will bring peace and prosperity to the earth without God are only ASSURING THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION. They may look like they are winning right now...but they are investing in their own doom.
Conspiracies are intimidating because they are well-organized, hidden, well-funded, zealous, and powered by the powerful. They appear to be so well-connected and entrenched that they are unstoppable. BUT WE CAN REJOICE KNOWING THAT WHEN THE LORD RETURNS, THE FINAL CONSPIRACY OF ANTICHRIST WILL BE UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY DESTROYED.
Believers in Christ are also part of a grand plan of God's design, but it is not hidden--it is the light of TRUTH on a high hill. It is funded by the blood of the martyrs, more precious than gold. It is fueled by the zeal of true believers who would rather die than betray their Savior. It is supernaturally powered by omnipotent God.
Yes, we are fighting a conspiracy of evil. But, dear friends, we cannot lose when God is on our side.
In Him We Wait, Work, and Watch,
[Prophecy Chat is a weekly commentary of current events in light of Bible prophecy. Sharon L. Clemens is an evangelical, premillennial, dispensational teacher of eschatology. She can be reached for comment or questions by e-mail at]
Click below to read/hear the sources referenced above:
1. "Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose," web cast from Worldview Radio.
2. "It's All Coming Together," from Heidi Swander of Olive Tree Ministries.
3. "Is There a 'Cult of Online Discernment Ministries' ?", from Apprising Ministries.
4. "British PM to Propose 'Global New Deal' to Rescue World's Economy.", from Fox News.
Great job, Sharon, in wrapping up the full truth of the matter... this in no cult, and those 'Christians' who believe it is had better take God's Word and reread it... the prophecies are there in black and white... I think, sometimes, there may be too much speculation out there...
Let's take God's word for what it is, and watch the world order come, always praying for the lost to find the way before it's too late.. Of course, we as Christian's who believe in prayer should constantly be praying for God to stay the end. For the benefit of those who are still lost..... and as he did in O.T. times, he may stay it for just a few, for a time...but the end is coming...
In Ezekiel 7:2-4... Thus says the Lord God... An end, THE END is come upon the four corners of the land.
Now is the end come upon you, and I will send my anger upon you, and will judge you according to your ways, and will recompense upon you all your abominations. And my eye shall not spare you, neither will I have pity: but I will recompense your ways upon you, and your abominations shall be in the midst of you: and you shall know that I AM the Lord.
So, we can speculate on when the end will come and the circumstances of our world today... but the end result will be that all will bow the knee, and all will know that God, He is Lord!
Well said. Our only sure course is the Word of God. We speculate on the Lord's perfect fulfillment because He deliberately left us signs of His return as a warning [Amos 3:7]. But only He knows how He will perfectly balance judgment with mercy in His timing. When the dust settles, it will all be for His glory. [Ephesians 1:12; Romans 9:22-23] As you said, that all will know that God, He is Lord.
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