Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" Revelation 6
When The Lamb Stands, series
by Sharon Clemens

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                       * All scriptures within this study are linked to using the "NIV".

The ominous hoof beats of the Four Horsemen have begun
to echo through our global culture.
The tide of humanism is preparing to conquer,
thinking mankind can save itself from destruction.
God sits in the heavens and laughs, and uses man's proud delusions
to lead to his own self-destruction.
Christ orchestrates the judgment, but He will also ascend to save.
[Reference Psalm 2; Psalm 110]

     The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the first four Seal judgments, have ominous connotations, as they should. They are credited with taking the lives of one-fourth of the world's population [Revelation 6:8], approximately 1.5 billion people. [Ref. Midnight Call Magazine, March, 2005] To give us an idea of the magnitude of this destruction, this is roughly four times the population of the United States, although these deaths will be spread-out globally. The four Seals could be likened to a global tsunami, in effect.

     When the Lamb breaks the first seal, the seven years of wrath descend upon the earth and judgment will not end until God's wrath is spent and Christ physically returns.

     "Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, 'Come and see.' And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer." [Revelation 6:1-2]

     To emphasize the importance of this moment, the thunderous invitation to come and see is issued by the first Living Creature. The Living Creatures are closest to the throne and represent the very holiness of God and God's right to judge. Warren Wiersbe says: "In other words, events take place on earth because of the sovereign direction of God in heaven." Nothing happens on the earth that doesn't come directly from the throne. [Ref. Wiersbe, Be Victorious]

     Each Creature announces one of the horse Seals, and their voices reverberate through heaven and earth as the steeds gallop swiftly toward their destination.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

     Each horse represents a global developmental shift of massive proportions that causes natural and awful consequences. The entrance of the white horse ushers in a chain of events that results in the death of one-fourth of the earth's population by the time the fourth horse arrives. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse symbolize the over-all destruction of man's final rule on the earth. The term apocalypse actually comes from the Greek word meaning "to uncover, or to reveal." The Revelation of Jesus Christ is the apocalypse of Jesus Christ, or the revealing of Jesus Christ in His full glory, but apocalypse has become synonymous with judgment and doom.

     Why do horses represent these shifts? The horse was THE war machine of John's century. Dr. Wiersbe also believes the horse imagery is related to the vision described in Zechariah 1:7-17. "Horses represent God's activity on earth, the forces He uses to accomplish His divine purposes. The center of His program is Israel, particularly the city of Jerusalem." [Be Victorious, p. 62]

The White Horse - Revelation 6:1-2

     * ANTICHRIST - The white horse rider: The first horse is ridden by the villain of the ages, THE Antichrist. The world of man has long been calling for a one-world leader or ruler to solve all the earth's problems. Such a solution has never worked as history proves, but man learns nothing from history. The global rulers of the earth such as Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander the Great either went mad with power or their kingdoms experienced peace for only short periods of time before other powers took their place. But man's pride in his own ability to pragmatically deliver himself over-rules reason and history. Pride over-rules the unbeliever's need for a Savior God.
     * Antichrist makes his entrance onto the world stage in a dramatic way. One who comes riding a white horse usually depicts a military leader. Contrast this with one who rides a donkey, symbolic in the scriptures for one who comes in peace, as Christ did in entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday on a donkey [Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:1-9]. Antichrist professes peace because he carries a bow without arrows. However, his peace is a deception. Daniel 8:25 describes a type of Antichrist as one who destroys "when they [Israel] feel secure" or "at peace." This is a tactic of those who are against Christ. They strike when their enemy is unsuspecting.
     * The Antichrist will come to power on a political platform promising peace. He will confirm a seven-year peace treaty with Israel, Daniel 9:27, beginning the count-down of the seven-year Tribulation [See "Introduction to the Tribulation" - the previous Prophecy Chat]. It will seem to the deceived world that a political leader has finally managed to bring peace in the Middle East.
     * Thomas Ice calls his tactics similar to a cold war in which there is the threat of military power behind the diplomacy. His true goal is to conquer and rule the world. Because of this deception, the first half of the Tribulation is called the "false peace." Without the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, earthly peace will not last because sinful man does NOT have within himself the ability to sustain true peace.
     * Antichrist is "given" a crown but doesn't possess one as his natural right. This may indicate that he is awarded power in place of others who have it by royal succession or possibly election. John MacArthur believes he may win the crown in a bloodless coup, as indicated in Daniel 7:8. In Daniel, we are told Antichrist comes to power as a little horn, or power, that comes up among ten horns of the Revived Roman Empire [the ten toes of Daniel 2]. The little horn is able to uproot three of the ten horns to gain prominence.
     * Although Antichrist comes on the scene like the hero riding the white horse, he is not the Christ; he is an Antichrist or imitation of Christ. However, many will be deceived into thinking he is the savior of the world because the world is falling apart and the population cries out for someone to save it [John 5:43] Antichrist will use Madison Avenue techniques and demonic power displayed in "signs and lying wonders" and all types of "unrighteous deception" to seduce unbelievers to his evil worldview [2 Thessalonians 2:1-12]. Those who reject Christ become willing victims of Antichrist's deception.
     * Christ is NOT this rider; He does not return until the end of the Tribulation, Revelation 19:11ff. Note the differences between Antichrist in Revelation 6 and Christ's return in Revelation 19: Antichrist comes professing peace, but brings war [the red horse following closely after him]. Christ comes in wrath and destroys the enemies of God at Armageddon. Only then does He establish everlasting peace. Antichrist's weapon is a bow with no arrows. Christ's weapon is a double-edged sword, the Word of the Lord [19:15]. Antichrist's crown is from the Greek stephanos, a crown awarded to a victor. Christ's crown is diadema, "the kingly crown," belonging only to Christ, the Son of God.

     Wiersbe notes that some hold fast to this white horse rider being Christ because our Lord is the "conquering Christ" who today is defeating the forces of evil in the world. They point to Revelation 19:11 as proof; but the only similarity is the presence of a white horse. Wiersbe believes the rider would be identified as Christ in chapter 6 rather than at the end of the book if this was indeed His entrance to earth. Dr. J. Vernon McGee agrees. Revelation 6 is not a description of the conquering Christ. There is a sense in which Jesus Christ is conquering today as He releases people from the bondage of sin and Satan--over-coming the world [Colossians 1:13; Acts 26:18]. Satan is a defeated foe, but he is not yet bound. Why? The Lord is not through with him.

     In Revelation 1:18, Christ announced "I am the Living One...And I hold the keys of death and Hades." He holds the keys that will lock the doors of Hell, but Satan will not be locked up until Revelation 20:2-3, AFTER the Tribulation and Christ's return. [Reference McGee, Revelation Volume II, p. 40]

     In our day, the signs of the times clearly evidence that things are getting worse and worse, not better and better. It is not yet time for Christ to usher in peace and prosperity. The world will not get better until Christ takes the throne at the end of seven years of testing. Our Lord warned that the global catastrophes coming upon the earth would increase like birth pains, getting stronger and stronger until the creation is delivered out of bondage by wrath [Matthew 24:9-22]. The Lord warned that a sign of His return would be that events would get worse and worse, building toward a cataclysmic climax! That climax is Christ breaking through the clouds of heaven in His glory light! [Matthew 24:30; Revelation 19:11-21]

     Satan is allowed to play his part in offering mankind the choice of the forbidden fruit of humanism while God's witnesses offer the eternal solution--the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The Tribulation is a time of unprecedented choice--black and white choice. Man is either all-out for Christ, or all-out for Antichrist. Antichrist plays his part, until he is no longer useful and his time is up!

The Red Horse - Revelation 6:3-4

     * WAR - Conflict on Earth - The second Seal is the red horse judgment. Another entity sits upon it, possibly a demonic cohort of Antichrist acting on his behalf or a demonic force. But it is God who will grant this horse and its rider the power to create worldwide war, as MacArthur points out [The MacArthur Study Bible, p. 2000] [Revelation 13:7]. Although Antichrist comes promising peace, he takes peace from the earth. He quickly resorts to WAR to get what he wants, which is complete domination of the earth and to be worshipped as God [Revelation 13:4, 11-12]. It is Satan, after all, who empowers Antichrist. Satan's fall was the result of his pride--his evil desire to be God [Isaiah 14:12-15]. During the Tribulation, he will attempt to overthrow God once again through his chosen Antichrist; Satan's final battle field is the earth of man. God is creator, but Satan by nature is a destroyer [Revelation 9:11]. He cannot help but destroy what he desires to own.
     * Red represents judgment and blood. For Satan, it also represents terror and death Note that Satan appears as the red dragon in Revelation 12:3 and as the red beast in Revelation 17:3.
     * Antichrist's weapon is a LARGE SWORD, indicating great military might and power at his disposal [Daniel 8:24]. As a natural consequence of global chaos and demonic oppression, people will kill one another. We can speculate that as rations run low and persecution increases, whole-sale riots, revolts, massacres and assassinations will be common. Marshall law will pit citizens against each other. Daniel 11:40-45 describes the escalating global war of the Tribulation that will end at Armageddon when Christ returns. Daniel's account describes the war from Antichrist's point-of-view. It is thought Antichrist's military power will stem largely from Western support because he is seen rising from the Revived Roman Empire, which is considered a western power base.
     * Several end-times power cliques' vie for world domination toward the end and even attack the forces of Antichrist. Leaders called the king of the South and the king of the North shall attack him. Antichrist will prevail against much of the South and will move his base of operations to Israel. However, powers from the East and the North shall come against him there. Israel is the epicenter--caught in the middle--but this is God's plan. The returning Christ will return to fight for Israel and take on all human powers and defeat them utterly [Daniel 2:44]. The evil forces will turn their attentions to defeating God. Their attempts are futile. [Zechariah 12" and 14]

The Black Horse - Revelation 6:5-6

     * FAMINE - The third Seal is the black horse judgment. Following naturally on the heels of global war is famine and inflation. In Lamentations 4:8-9, black is used to describe the complexion of someone dieing of starvation. [See also Jeremiah 14:1-2] Note in the passage that a worker is unable to earn enough to barely feed himself, let alone a family. Barley was considered only good enough for animal food as it is low in nutrition, but it will be eaten because it is cheaper than wheat. Men will be living on whatever they can buy or they can find. Poverty is likened to people having to resort to eating dog or cat food; this passage indicates that famine and inflation may cause widespread hunger.
     * What does it mean not to damage the oil and the wine? There are two views on this passage. 1. John MacArthur notes that oil and wine in John the Apostle's day were considered staples of daily life. Oil was used in the baking of bread. Wine was necessary for cooking and purifying water because water supplies were often contaminated. [The MacArthur Study Bible] Suddenly, in the Tribulation, even basic necessities will become luxuries that have to be carefully protected, possibly rationed as food was in World War II. The need to ration food will provide Antichrist with an excuse to institute the Mark of the Beast so that no one will be able to buy or sell unless his government approves them; he will control all commodities [Revelation 13]. 2. Warren Wiersbe believes this text is more a reference to an elite group hoarding the best food for themselves. At the same time that a common man will have to work all day just to secure food for himself, the rich will be enjoying plenty of oil and wine. "No wonder Antichrist will eventually be able to control the economy (Rev. 13:17) as he promises to feed the hungry masses." [Wiersbe, Be Victorious] BOTH VIEWS MAY BE CORRECT. Basic necessities will be scarce and yet Revelation 18 indicates that commercial Babylon--the sin city Mecca of the end times--will be the place where anything and everything will be available to the elite, for a price! We can speculate that Antichrist and those in the higher echelon of his supporters will have access to Babylon and it will be Antichrist's commercial center--until God personally destroys it! Then, Antichrist moves his base of operations to Jerusalem where the final showdown takes place.

The Pale Horse - Revelation 6:7-8

     * DEATH and HELL - The fourth horse judgment is death, which naturally follows global war, famine and inflation. The Greek word from which the English word "chlorophyll" comes is used here. It describes the pale, ashen-green pallor characteristic of the decomposition of a corpse. HELL follows the horseman of DEATH because God allows global death to weed out of the earth the unbelievers--those who will spend eternity in hell.
     * Wiersbe: "Christ has the keys of death and Hades (1:18), and both will one day be cast into (eternal) hell (20:14). Death claims the body while Hades claims the souls of the dead (20:13). John saw these enemies going forth to claim their prey, armed with weapons of the sword, hunger, pestilence (death), and wild beasts. In ancient times, hunger, pestilence, and the ravages of beasts would be expected to accompany war." Note also Jeremiah 15:2; ">24:10; Ezekiel 14:21.
     * SWORD, FAMINE, PLAGUE & WILD BEASTS: As we saw in the 2005 Indonesian tsunami, the world health authorities were as concerned with the aftermath of the devastation as they were with the immediate death tolls. The possibility of pandemic disease resulting from contaminated water and decomposing bodies was highly probable. At the present time, Haiti is suffering a cholera epidemic in the aftermath of their natural catastrophe. Lalonde speculates that the "wild beasts" of our day could refer to millions of living bacteria that could create a plague of massive proportions as a result of the Seals. Currently, there are so many strains of sickness that they threaten to become pandemic, which is a global epidemic.


     The German magazine, Focus, reported that the 2005 tsunami disaster was of "biblical proportions;" but according to the Revelation, much greater destruction is coming. Midnight Call states, "The numbers of casualties in the tsunami, the World Trade Center or any other destructive tragedy seem quite small when compared to those numbers." [Midnight Call Magazine, "Tsunami Tragedy," p. 29]

     The Seal Judgments are just the beginning. We are told in Revelation 9 that the Trumpet Judgments will result in the death of another one-third of the remaining population of the world. This is another 2 billion lives. The total of these two series of judgments is 3.5 billion dead, and may not include the martyrs, the believers in Christ, who die at the hands of Antichrist. This tally may also not include those who die at the return of Christ at Armageddon.

     Isaiah 24:5,6 is stark in its description of this time: "The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore THE CURSE [what is written on the scroll] has devoured the earth, and those who dwell in it are desolate. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and FEW MEN ARE LEFT." [Emphasis mine] Verse 13 of Isaiah 24 continues on to say only the GLEANING will be left. This gleaning of the Tribulation is the saved, living remnant that will enter victorious into The Millennial Kingdom!

     IN CLOSING--CONSIDER THIS SOBERING TRUTH: Isaiah speaks of the inhabitants of the earth being burned. This is symbolic of the lost of the world being like a whole burnt offering typical of the Old Testament. The unbelievers who die in the Tribulation are like the tares among the wheat, gathered out and burned as an offering to God and set aside to appease His wrath.

When man does not willingly offer himself sacrificially to God, God TAKES him as a burnt offering.

NEXT TIME: Heaven and Earth Respond to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

In Him We Wait, Work, and Watch,
[Luke 12:35-59]

[Prophecy Chat is a weekly commentary of current events in light of Bible prophecy. Sharon L. Clemens is an evangelical, premillennial, dispensational teacher of eschatology. She can be reached for comment or questions by e-mail at]

Keep an eye on the Sky


Mario Roberto said...

hola buen día y bendiciones me sirvió de mucho lo de los jinetes del apocalipsis, gracias por la informacion y siga adelante : )

Mario Roberto said...

me quise suscribir pero mi navegador no me lo permitió,pero estaré entrando a su pagina para leer mas de Dios, Dios la siga bendiciendo grande mente : )

Phil Branch said...

Hello Mario, We are sorry to here you could not subscribe and hope that you saved this site into you personal Favorites. Sharon and I are so happy to receive such wonderful comments and must say we are happy to be tools of the Lord since all credit belongs to Him.

May God Bless You and Yours,

theyenguy said...

The Sovereign Lord God, Psalms 2:4-5, is operating to bring forth a New Europe, where the Sovereign, Revelation 13:5-10, and his banking partner, the Seignior, Revelation 13:11-18, will rule over a federal Europe, with fiscal rule and fiscal sovereignty coming through a fiscal union, and the ECB or the Bundesbank, empowered a federal bank.

The ten toes of regional global governance presented in Daniel 2:31-33, being mired in the iron of diktat and clay of democracy, will eventually crumble, and the Sovereign and the Seignior will eventually rise to rule the world, and install a one world government, Daniel 7:7, a one world currency, and provide global seigniorage, Revelation 13:17-18.

The Sovereign’s rise to power will come via the first horseman of the apocalypse, the rider on the white horse, carrying a bow, with no arrow fitted to it, Revelation 6:1-2, to effect a bloodless economic and political coup d etat, transferring sovereignty from nation states to regional authorities, where fiscal sovereignty in Europe resides in the EU ECB IMF Troika. Other horsemen will follow in his steps to assure that regional global governance rules over all of mankind, red symbolizing violence and war, black symbolizing starvation and misery, and pale symbolizing devolution and death. The first horseman has a single crown (Gk. stephanos) of victory, whereas in Revelation 19, Jesus has many crowns (Gk. diademata), signifying His sovereignty.