Tuesday, September 28, 2010
"Introduction To Judgment" Revelation 4
When The Lamb Stands, series
by Sharon Clemens
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* All scriptures within this study are linked to BibleGateway.com using the "NIV".
I hear the same question again and again: Where are all the solid Bible believing churches, the ones that teach the whole Word of God without apology? Good churches with sound doctrine are few and far between. But we were warned. This end-times apostacy is evidence that the return of Christ is near. [1 Timothy 4:1-5; 6:3-5; 2 Timothy 3:1-7, 13-17; Jude 4, 16-19] But here is the good news! In heaven we will attend the perfect church, with perfect worship, manifesting perfect truth, and surrounded by the perfect family of God. In our heavenly Temple, there is no division and no disunity. We will worship in complete fellowship and perfect harmony because we will be perfected saints and our God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ is seated on His throne, the object of our worship, reigning in complete control.
Imagine: In heaven we are members of the one true church. We manifest the body of Christ, a royal priesthood. In The Revelation, chapters 4 and 5, John gives us an eye-witness preview of what a worship service in which the body of Christ will participate will be like. But this is not your ordinary day in heaven. We witness the future commissioning service of Jesus Christ, affirming His authority to begin the judgment of the earth--and we will be there! We will be there witnessing the unleashing of God's wrath on the earth to begin the seven-year Tribulation.
I cannot begin to tell you the surpassing ecstasy we will share as we see our Lord and Savior approach the throne and receive the title deed of the earth from the hands of His Father. What a privilege to be present when Christ takes hold of His eternal destiny and manifests His fully-revealed power of deity. Those who believe heaven will be a boring succession of days riding on clouds and strumming harps haven't read what the Bible says about heaven. It is a place of awesome light, smoking power, celestial and soul-piercing sound, and spectacle beyond description. In heaven, the believer in Christ will truly know the meaning of life--spiritual, eternal life. In comparison, as Paul mentioned, this temporal life is just smoke and mirrors... [1 Corinthians 13:12], a mere shadow of the glorious life to come.
Can you tell I'm getting excited? Now the mighty work of God to take FULL possession of what He redeemed begins! In Romans 8:20 to 23, Paul noted that both man and creation groan in eager anticipation for the finished work of redemption. We receive our new bodies at the resurrection of the Church. The redemption of the earth is a process that continues through the Tribulation, then thousand-year Millennial Kingdom, finally seeing complete regeneration in the New Heavens and New Earth [Revelation 21:1].
Rev Chapter 4, the beginning of the battle of the ages: Good against evil; God against Satan. In both chapters 4 and 5 of The Revelation, we are privileged to see into the very throne room of God. This is command central, or the war room of heaven, during the Tribulation. Just as earthly generals have their headquarters in times of battle, so God directs His commander, His generals, His armies, from the very throne of His eternal authority.
He who redeemed the earth with His blood is given the authority to command the battle, the Son, Jesus Christ. Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the Lamb of God, unleashes by His own outstretched arm the three series of judgments--the WRATH of God. This ceremony is a significant event in the REVEALING of Christ, the theme of this book. Our God is a God of both mercy and justice, love and holiness which demands righteousness. His authority to judge is affirmed because He alone has the right to pronounce sentence and to judge what He created and for which His death atoned.
Revelation 4:1
* THE DOOR: The heavenly door to heaven is opened. To see a rift between this world and the spiritual realm must have been un-nerving enough, but can we imagine hearing the voice of God through that rift? Imagine the sound of a celestial silver trumpet. A silver trumpet's tone is cleaner and more piercing than brass instruments. I like to think John is called by the silver-trumpet-piercing voice of Christ to "come up here" to the inner sanctum of heaven. A trumpet sound was the closest analogy John could use to describe the indescribable voice of God.
* John sees "a door standing open" through spiritual eyesight. As we saw in the letter to Philadelphia, Christ not only controls the door of salvation--holding it open or allowing it to close--He IS the door. All believers must go through Christ Jesus, the door, to enter heaven. The password, the key, is Christ alone. His covering of the blood atonement enables entrance into the pristine holiness of heaven. John 14:6--"Jesus said to him 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Christ is THE way to heaven, the only way. This would seem obvious but the politically correct religious view of our day is that there are "many paths to heaven." But any path chosen apart from the opening covered by the blood leads to death, not life. [See John 10:9; John 6:44]
* WHAT MUST TAKE PLACE AFTER THIS: Christ introduces the final section of the three-part outline of The Revelation, the FUTURE, in this verse. "...I will show you things which must take place after this." After what? After the letter to the churches representing the Church Age in revelation chapters 2 and 3.
* 4:2-- IN THE SPIRIT: John was immediately "in the spirit." It is not clear whether John was caught up into heaven in his physical body or only in his spirit body. Paul had a similar experience in 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 and could not say what his exact physical condition was. The significant point is that God enabled them while still living to experience time and space travel in order to bring them into the third and highest heaven of God.
* HIGHEST HEAVEN: The Bible speaks of "heavens," plural, in Genesis 2:1. Three levels are defined in scripture: 1. The first is the atmosphere or breathable air around the earth. 7:11] This is where the waters which become rain also reside. 2. The second level of heaven is what we call "space" such as Genesis 1:17, where the stars and planets exist. 3. The third heaven is the throne room of God and the place of our eternal home. It is where God's glory is manifested, although He is everywhere [omni-present]. [Matthew 14:19; Mark 6:41; Luke 9:16]. Christ looked UP into heaven to His Father; so we also think of heaven as being UP.
* 4:2, 3-- THE THRONE OF GOD, verse 3. God is the CENTER of the highest heaven just as He is the center of the universe and reigns over it. As Creator and sustainer, He is the pivot around which all revolves. In chapter 4, God the Father and His throne specifically are the focal point of the chapter. But it is also the throne of the Trinity. All three of the "persons" of the Godhead--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--are identified in chapters 4 and 5 and are pictured central to heaven. We exist to glorify God, the center of all things and worthy of continual praise.
* The throne room is THE Temple. Heaven is the pattern of the earthly temples and the tabernacle on earth [Hebrews 8:1].
* The throne is surrounded by LIGHT as God is light [1 John 5:5; 1 John 1:7]. The light around the throne of God is the manifestation of His HOLINESS AND PURITY. There is no darkness in heaven because darkness is the absence of light, and God's light fills heaven completely and eternally. [Revelation 21:23] Without Christ's atonement, this light is unapproachable because sinful man cannot approach the holy light of God and live [1 Timothy 6:16].
* JEWEL-TONE COLORS: The light of God on His throne is projected in resplendent and brilliant jewel-like colors of great variety. color exists because of the refraction of light. This pure light would create color of surpassing beauty and clarity. RED = SARDINE or carnelian stone. Red represents judgment and sacrifice. Gem stones also represented the twelve tribes of Israel and the Sardis or Sardine stone stood for the tribe of Reuben, the first-born of Jacob. Christ is the first-born son of God and the first-born of the dead, Revelation 1:5. PURPLE = JASPER, crystalline and clear purple, thought to represent divine royalty. Jasper is also in the New Jerusalem, the home of the King, Revelation 21:11. The Jasper was the stone of Benjamin whom Jacob called "the son of my right hand." Christ sits at the right hand of the Father, Psalm 110:1. EMERALD GREEN = THE RAINBOW AROUND THE THRONE, green representing CREATION. This is the dominant color encircling the throne. In Genesis 9:12-16, God made a covenant with Noah that He would never again destroy the earth with water and He signed the covenant by putting His "bow" in the heavens. On earth, we see only half of the circle; in heaven, the rainbow goes full circle around the throne. The RAINBOW is the insignia of god, His emblem. See also Ezekiel 1:1 and Revelation 10:1 where the envoy angel wears the royal insignia of God on his uniform.
* CREATION: Creation is an important designation of the power of God. Revelation 1:8, the Lord calls Himself the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and last. He is the creator of all things and existed before anything was created. To worship God, we must see Him as Creator. This colorful panorama glorifies and defines God as creator, sovereign Lord, and redeemer. The Elders praise God as Creator in Revelation 4:11. As Creator, He owns the earth and chooses the time of its judgment. Henry M. Morris points out that the rainbow surrounding the throne also represents God's GRACE overseeing and tempering JUDGMENT, specifically the judgment about to be unleashed on the earth.
* 4:4--THE TWENTY-FOUR ELDERS: Note that 24 Elders sit on 24 thrones around the throne of God. What an incredible honor. Who are these? They are thought to be representatives of THE COMPLETED CHURCH IN HEAVEN. Note that there are no elders in the throne visions in Isaiah 6 and Ezekiel 1. As this part of John's vision takes place after the Church Age ends and the Rapture has taken place, the Church is in heaven! This is a future look at our purpose and existence for eternity. The Elders are further identified as Church Age Believers by what they wearing: white linen promised to overcoming believers in Revelation 3:5; victors' crowns of gold in Revelation 2:10 and 3:11. The Elders likely represent individual men of the Church, not merely symbolic representatives of all Church believers. Their identify is not known until after the Bema Judgment of Rewards following the Rapture/Resurrection of the Church [1 Cor. 3:10-15; 4:5; 2 Cor. 5:9; Philippians 1:9; 1 Peter 1:7]. Why twenty-four? Twelve and multiples of twelve is a number representing those set apart for a specific commission. [12 patriarchs in the line of Christ, 12 disciples, 144,000 sealed Jews]
* 4:5--THUNDER AND LIGHTNING: Thunder and lightning coming from the throne represent judgment and the omnipotent power of God. The crash of thunder and flash of lightning is in chorus with VOICES--a symphony of chilling praise, not the bland and tinkling angel voices some imagine. Judgment is proclaimed in creation voices representing riveting power.
* SEVEN BURNING LAMPS/SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD: The FULLNESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT burns before the throne, adding His light to Holy God, affirming the power of the shared throne. Just as we erect powerful flood lights to illuminate performances, so the Holy Spirit manifests Himself in His seven-fold ministry [Isaiah 11:2. The Holy Spirit takes the form of the seven-branched menorah candle stand described in Zechariah 4. Seven is the number of completeness--this is the full incandescent glory of God.
* 4:6--SEA OF GLASS OR CRYSTAL SEA: The Sea of Glass was represented on earth in the Tabernacle by the LAVER OF WATER [Exodus 30:18-21] and the SEA OF WATER in the Temple [2 Chronicles 4:2-6]. Both the Laver and the Sea were used for the cleansing of the priests before they could minister in the Lord's work. Although this symbol of cleansing is around the throne and separates God's creatures from His immediate presence, it is solid so that it can now be crossed. Could this also represent our ability to "walk on water" because of Christ , something Peter failed to do on earth?
* FOUR LIVING CREATURES: These are the Cherubim, Ezekiel 10:20-22, the highest of the angelic hierarchy and closest to the throne. They exist as visible and audible testimony of God's glory. They are "full of eyes" referring to the OMNISCIENCE of God [all-knowing complete wisdom]. They each have six wings to represent God's OMNIPRESENCE [existing everywhere at once]. They are able to fly in any direction without turning, Ezekiel chapter 1.
* 4:7--THE FACES: In Ezekiel chapter 1, the cherubim are also described around the FLYING THRONE of God. The flying throne illustrated God's omnipresence and continual presence in the affairs of man, especially Israel. They have four faces, one on each of four sides of the head. These faces testify of His title as Creator.
* THE EAST: The Lion, the King of Beasts. The Lion symbolized the Tribe of Judah from which The King of Kings, Messiah, would come. When the tribes camped, Judah was always on the East. The Lion represents JESUS, THE KING, Lion of the Tribe of Judah [Genesis 49:8-10; Revelation 5:5]. Christ as King is demonstrated in the Gospel of MATTHEW, the Kingdom Gospel. It was written especially to the Jew, Israel, because they were looking for their Messiah King to save them from Rome.
* THE WEST: The Ox, the greatest of the domestic animals, the ultimate beast of burden. The Ox was the symbol of Ephraim which always camped on the West. The Ox represents Christ's office of SERVANT, the suffering servant who performed the ultimate act of service in dieing on the cross for our sins. [Matthew 20:28] Christ as servant is demonstrated in the Gospel of MARK, written especially to appeal to the Roman. The Romans appreciated hard work and Mark is filled with miracles, portraying Christ as working ceaselessly. It has the most miracles recorded of any of the Gospel accounts.
* THE SOUTH: The face of a Man, the greatest of the created beings. This was Reuben's symbol and that tribe always camped on the South of the Israel encampment. Jesus' favorite term for Himself is THE SON OF MAN. This face represents Christ as coming in human flesh as a man [John 1:14--"The Word became flesh and lived for a while among us..."] Jesus as the Son of Man is revealed more specifically in the Gospel of LUKE. Luke wrote to the Greek. The Greek mindset revered human perfection in mind and body. Dr. Luke, a physician, spoke of Christ's perfect humanity and wrote of accounts the other Gospels did not such as "He ate..." "He wept..."
* THE NORTH: The Eagle, greatest of the flying creatures. This was Dan's symbol who always camped on the North. The Eagle represents CHRIST AS FULLY GOD. John 10:30--"I and the Father are one." Although He came as fully man, He was also fully God. The symbolism of the eagle in the Word often speaks of God's ability to lift us above our circumstances through His divine power. [Isaiah 40:31] The Gospel of JOHN presents Christ on the highest spiritual plane, fully God. [John 1:1] John is the Gospel written for ALL BELIEVERS OF ALL AGES.
* 4:8--Day and night the four living creatures incessantly chant the holiness of God: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come." They visibly represent His holy attributes and verbally witness to His holiness constantly. Their chant is the backdrop of heaven. Just as Christ told the Pharisees that the stones would cry out if the people were silenced at the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, so the living creatures cannot help but chant the holiness of God.
* 4:9-11--In response, the twenty-four Elders fall down before the throne. Because the chant is constant, the Elders are constantly worshipping. They lay their crowns before God as an offering, 4:4, 10. The good works that follow salvation are an offering to God and for His glory, not our own.
* 4:11--THE SONG OF THE TWENTY-FOUR ELDERS: They sing a song honoring God as Creator. As Creator, He alone is "worthy" for the task ahead.
NEXT TIME: The Lamb Stands To Take the Scroll
In Him We Wait, Work, and Watch,
[Luke 12:35-59]
[Prophecy Chat is a weekly commentary of current events in light of Bible prophecy. Sharon L. Clemens is an evangelical, premillennial, dispensational teacher of eschatology. She can be reached for comment or questions by e-mail at farmgrove@frontier.com]
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