Monday, April 5, 2010

"Crisis Emerging In U.S.-Israel Relations"
footnote to When The Lamb Stands, series
by Sharon Clemens

^^^^^^^* To see all postings from, When The Lamb Stands Series Click here only
                       * All scriptures within this study are linked to using the "NIV".

Because of the increasing tensions between our nation and Israel, I am adding this footnote to our series WHEN THE LAMB STANDS. As Israel is the focal point of end times prophecy, this Prophecy Chat is a timely reminder that prophecy is ripe for fulfillment. First, a Biblical prophetic review. Then, a summary of recent articles indicating a significant break between the U.S. and Israel. Both are proof of the inerrancy of God's Word and His sure and imminent return.


Since it's rebirth in 1948, the state of Israel has faced unprecedented obstacles in its efforts to survive. In its first four decades, it survived five wars fomented by Arab enemies surrounding them. Israeli wars have not diminished in spite of pressure to give up more of their land for peace. Rather, conflicts have become more frequent. Constant attacks against Israel are hardly reported by global media as if in tacit agreement to approve terrorism as a way to aid in the destruction of the nation. Although terrorism has become a way of life for Israeli citizens, they desire to live in peace in their native homeland.

Our Lord prophesied in His Word that the nation of Israel would suffer constant oppression from the nations, until her King returns: "And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles [non-Jewish nations] UNTIL the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled." [Luke 21:24; Matthew 23:37-39] This oppression will increase in frequency and intensity, like birth or labor pains, until Israel is delivered by the return of her King. [Matthew 24:8] The united opposition against the existence of Israel as a nation, and as a people, will eventually result in global war. We call the final battle Armageddon. [Zechariah 12:1-9] But in that day, Israel's King will return to "destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." This destruction of global opposition against Israel's by their deliverer is yet future. It could not have been fulfilled in A.D. 70 because at that time, Jerusalem was put under siege and burned to the ground by the Romans. This was allowed as a judgment for their rejection of their King [John 19:14-16].

Our Lord prophesied about the imminent destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 in Matthew 23:31 to 36. He pronounced this judgment specifically on the false religious leaders who were responsible for killing God's prophets and would lead the people to crucify the Son of God. It was this impending destruction of Jerusalem that the Lord spoke of in Matthew 24:2 before He gave the Olivet Discourse on the end times. The destruction of Jerusalem by Rome would come first and would fall on Christ's generation: "And Jesus said to the, 'Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down."

However, when Christ returns in the future generation when Israel is re-born, He will remove Israel's guilt and spiritual blindness. At Armageddon, the Lord will return to SAVE Israel, not destroy them! [Zechariah 12:9 - "It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem."] The destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 and the future battle of Armageddon are two separate events with completely different outcomes. In the past, Jerusalem was destroyed. In the future, Christ will take possession of the city against all odds, and He will reign over it.

As our Lord is full of mercy for the Church, so He is full of mercy toward Israel. Although He set Israel aside for a time, as a treasure buried in a field, He will return to restore them and fulfill His covenant promises. [Matthew 13:44] When He returns, Israel will repent and mourn for Him whom they pierced over 2,000 years ago. [Zechariah 12:10-13:1] The fountain of mercy Christ pours out on Israel at His return will save the one-third of living Israel that survives the Tribulation [Zechariah 13:9], fulfilling Paul's words in Romans 11:26, "And so all Israel will be saved..."

Until that moment, "blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in." [Romans 11:25] This spirit of blindness on the part of Israel causes much of the nation to live in apostacy today, but remnants are coming to Christ in larger numbers. They are buried treasure today, but the Lord will preserve them until the Times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Then our Lord will fulfill His covenant promises to King David and will establish His Kingdom on the earthly throne of David in Israel. Gentile power will be replaced with the global rule of Christ, the King of Israel [Daniel 2:44]. This Kingdom time is known as The Millennium [2 Samuel 7:12-17; Revelation 20:4].


The trampling of Israel continues and increases today as we move toward God's ultimate purpose. We are especially concerned with our own nation's political relationship with Israel as the U.S. was the one remaining ally of that single democratic Middle-Eastern nation! Joel Rosenberg refers to the present state of U.S.-Israel relations as a "train wreck" and "the worst crisis in 35 years." The current crisis erupted over the announcement of new residences being built in an area of Jerusalem, an area disputed by Palestinians--while V.P. Joe Biden was in Jerusalem in a show of support for the nation. The timing of the announcement was taken as an affront to the U.S. and their attempts to orchestrate peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Rosenberg commented that while Israel should be allowed to build in their own nation, the announcement came at an awkward time.

However, the U.S. certainly made the most of the incident. Dr. Michael Evans asks, "Israel's New Enemy: America?" He reported in the Jerusalem Prayer Team letter that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rebuked Prime Minister Netanyahu in "a blistering 45 minute phone call..." This dramatic overreaction revealed the Obama administration's true position toward Israel. According to Rosenberg: "They [Obama, Biden and Clinton] clearly don't believe in Israeli sovereignty over its own capital. They want to force Israel to divide its capital, come Hell or high water. They are applying intense pressure on Israel to divide Jerusalem and give away more land even though two recent 'land for peace' efforts [southern Lebanon in 2000, and Gaza in 2005] were disasters for Israel and led to two serious wars. This is an enormous mistake. I cannot put into words how strongly I disagree with this administration [Obama's] and their disastrous approach. Jerusalem is the Lord's chosen city. It is His capital. It is and should remain the undivided capital of the Jewish people and the State of Israel."

The World Tribune reported today that President Obama diverted a shipment of bunker-buster bombs designated for Israel. These bombs are crucial to any future Israeli offensive against Iran's nuclear program. An official said, "This was a political decision..." However, this is not Obama's first anti-Israel decision. "Since taking office, Obama has refused to approve any major Israeli requests for U.S. weapons platforms or advanced systems..." the World Tribune reports. "All signs indicate that this will continue in 2010...This is really an embargo, but nobody talks about it publicly." Is President Obama using this incident with Israel as an excuse to withdraw even more support?

A bright note, reported by the Israel National News, is that a group of politicians in the U.S. from across the political spectrum have called on President Obama to "tone down their attacks on Israel and start using a more even-handed approach when dealing with the Palestinian Authority."

The announcement that triggered the political "crisis" can rightly be viewed as an over-reaction for political purposes. Another event took place during the controversy that was NOT reported or commented on by U.S. authorities. The Palestinian government dedicated a public square to the memory of a brutal murderer who in 1979 led the worst terrorist attack in Israel's history, slaughtering 37 innocent civilians, including children. The PA followed-up the ceremony with a public study day in the terrorist's memory.

Israel National News continues: "In a letter dated Wednesday, March 17, ten members of Congress told the president, 'While your Administration clamors over the announcement of a proposed residential development years away from completion, Iran continues to develop its nuclear weapons capability and Hamas and Hizbullah rearm and reenergize. Remarks made by your Cabinet and advisors embolden Israel's enemies - who are wholly committed to destroying the Jewish State - and undermine the critical relationship we have with our strongest ally for democracy and peace in the Middle East."

The irony of this situation is that Israel's worst enemies also desire to destroy America, but we are aiding Israel's enemies.


Why is the nation of Israel in the center of global controversy? FIRST, the issue is supernatural.

Israel is the epicenter, as Rosenberg calls it, of world events because Israel is chosen by God to be the place of His future Kingdom--and the pin point geography of where He will return! Christ will descend to the Mount of Olives, opposite the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem [Acts 1:11; Zechariah 14:4]. Jerusalem is controversial because Satan knows Christ will return there, victorious! It will also be the site of the destruction of Antichrist and the False Prophet [Revelation 19:19-21]. And, Satan, himself, will be defeated and bound for a 1,000 years in the bottomless pit [Revelation 20:1-3].

Given these Biblical truths, it would seem that the church that calls itself of Christ would rally behind Israel's right to exist. However, Replacement Theology, the term for those who ignore any future role of Israel in prophecy and appropriate Israel's promises to the Church instead, is RAMPANT in the church. One example is printed in the Jerusalem Post: "American Jewish leaders are slamming a report by the Presbyterian Church USA that blames Israel for the Palestinian resistance and denounces companies doing business with Israel."

SECOND, the issue is political.

The myth that Israel stole land that belongs to a people called the Palestinians has long been propagated by those who do not take the time to discover truth that is historically recorded. The current state of miss-information and dis-information is politically motivated and a classic example of the re-writing of history. However, the lie is so entrenched, few know the truth or try to report the truth because it fits un-Godly agendas more conveniently to believe the lie.

For those who wish to know the true history of Israel from the standpoint of history and political science, may I recommend two books.

1.     From Time Immemorial - The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine. Joan Peters. JKAP Publications, 2002, U.S.A. ISBN: 0-9636242-0-2

Joan Peters is a historian and journalist who devoted seven years of original research to this best selling book. It answers many crucial questions, among them: Why are the Arab refugees from Israel seen in a different light from all the other, far more numerous peoples who were displaced after World War II? Why, indeed, are they seen differently from the Jewish refugees who were forced, in 1948 and after, to leave the Arab countries to find a haven in Israel? Who, in fact, are the Arabs who were living within the borders of present-day Israel, and where did they come from? The answers will appear startling...Peters demonstrates that Jews did NOT displace Arabs in Palestine--just the reverse: Arabs displaced Jews. That a substantial number of the Arab refugees called Palestinians in reality had foreign roots. Peters found that Arab leaders were themselves responsible for prolonging the plight of their own people in order to foment hatred against Israel. These are just some of the incredible truths Peters unearths.

Peters began writing in order to bring attention to the "Palestinian problem" and the "current plight of the Arab refugees as that subject was then still generally known." As a journalist who had been given the usual "line," she believed she would prove Israel guilty of deprivation of the refugees' human rights. What she found instead was a manipulation of truth for political purposes based on an ancient hatred against Israel.

2.     Israel - A History, Martin Gilbert. William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York, 1998. ISBN 0-688-12362-7

A history of the State of Israel during its first fifty years, and something of its founders and pioneers, going back to the second half of the nineteenth century. This is a very complete narrative of Israel, it's beginnings, it's wars, it's leaders, and it's people. This history also is richly endowed with maps and an excellent glossary of Hebrew words. The index provides easy access to particular topics covered in the book.



1. FLASH TRAFFIC: WASHINGTON UPDATE, "Worst U.S.-Israel Crisis in 35 Years." Joel C. Rosenberg. March 15, 2010. Joel Rosenberg "Flash Traffic"

2. JERUSALEM PRAYER TEAM, "Israel's New Enemy: America?" Dr. Michael Evans. March 19, 2010. Jerusalem Prayer Team

3. PROPHECY NEWS WATCH, "Obama Blocks Delivery of Bunker-Busters to Israel. March 19, 2010. Click here for the article

4. PROPHECY NEWS WATCH, "US Lawmakers Stand Up Against Obama for Israel. March 19, 2010. Click here for the article

5. PROPHECY NEWS WATCH, "Presbyterian Church USA that Blames Israel for the 'Palestinian Resistance." March 19, 2010. Click here for the article Click here for the Website

In Him We Wait, Work, and Watch,
[Luke 12:35-59]

[Prophecy Chat is a weekly commentary of current events in light of Bible prophecy. Sharon L. Clemens is an evangelical, premillennial, dispensational teacher of eschatology. She can be reached for comment or questions by e-mail at]

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