Friday, March 13, 2009

Our Country Is Being Divided, (those that have and those that don't)
by Phil Branch

Welcome and if you are here I commend you on your foresight, caring enough to search for answers. Perhaps like me you are concerned as to where this country is heading. Everything I see points to Socialism. Below I have gathered together 3 web broadcasts and a 3 part article that may help those of us that share this concern. I am not attempting to expand on the huge research found in those articles by people much wiser than I. Rather, just share my findings. I found them to be compelling and helped answer some of my concerns. How does increasing the welfare system grow the net worth of the United States? How can pumping trillions of new dollars not backed by any commodity, rather just IOU's grow our net worth? Don't get me wrong, I see the advantage of credit and how it allows us to have today and pay tomorrow. But let's remember those debts are supposed to be paid off, not refinanced as the bail outs have done.

Consider this elementary example, an entity or business if you will, is at the point of bankruptcy. Let's say that history shows this entity/business has spent $500,000,000. to get to it current state. The government in the form of a bail-out gives this entity/business $250,000,000 to stay open. What do you really have? You only have a failed entity/business that has $250,000,000. to spend. If it wasn't spent wisely the first time, why should we expect it to succeed by throwing more money at it?

Oh, yes reform! There is to be reform and controls. Who's taking care of this reform and in control? Our Government--the same institution that has grown our National Debt to some $90,000,000,000,000. (90 Trillion Dollars). "90 Trillion?" Yes, if we had to pay in one lump sum today the social security and various welfares, Medicaid, Medicare debts that are to be paid by our children and their children in the future, the bill today would be 90 Trillion Dollars +/- and growing.

Speaking of reform, we hear where our government is mandating capped bonuses and other various pay-plans for those managers of companies that are given bail-out money. My question is, where are the congressional pay-cuts and lowered benefits for the hundreds of law-makers in our nation's capitol? In fact, during these difficult economic times, have you heard of any pay cuts for any level of hierarchy of our government? I haven't either! Our president is supposed to be reasonably wealthy. Has he offered to turn down any part of the $400,000 a year? Hillary, $186,000; Congress-people, $174,000; Pelosi, $223,500; $193,000 each for John Boehner and Harry Reid. All are considered independently wealthy and choose to keep drawing their checks. How can the administration have the audacity to madate how private companies run their businesses and yet allow our system of government to spend itself into bankruptcy? We can only assume our leaders think REFORM is for everyone, but themselves.

I will stop here and just offer the information below. There is a lot, no... a "huge" amount to absorb below. Doubtfully not to be taken in at one sitting. But, I do hope you save this post and come back to it as needed until you have heard or read it in its entirety. I think you will agree after completion, Our country is being divided right under our noses. Perhaps then you will also agree we need to take a stand. We have other options than to "will" this mess to our children and their children. I have quoted in past blogs "Remain Silent and Silenced You Will Be". Our situation has evolved to the point that if we remain silent, it will not be only us silenced; our children and their children as well "will not be allowed to speak."

Use any of the links below to...
Contact Your Senator
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Contact The White House
You can also reach your U.S. House and Senate members by calling the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Ask for your Representative or Senator by name and you will be connected to his or her office.

Web Broadcasts:
Brannon Howse Web Broadcast March 5th, Socialism is Here and Tyranny is to Follow If We Allow It. Topic One: Inflation (the creation of money)is growing government, funding socialism so says Edward Griffin who is author of the book, The Creature From Jekyll Island. Topic Two: The loss of freedom is growing and we explain how and why. Topic Three: The people are voting for candidates that promise entitlements. Topic Four: Get ready for government debit cards that are given to those who comply with the government tyranny. Topic Five: Using financial and environmental fear to create globalism. Topic Six: When the government promises to take care of everyone and does not, that is the formula for a revolution says Fredrick Bastiate. Topic Seven: President Eisenhower warned us about what is happening in America today during his 1961 Farwell Address. Topic Eight: Dick Morris says socialism is not is here now.
Click here to listen to the broadcast.

Brannon Howse Web Broadcast March 9th, Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose, Part I. Description: A pair of radical Columbia University professors by the name of Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven wrote an article in the radical magazine known as The Nation. The article was published on May 2, 1966 and laid out what is now known as the "Cloward-Piven Strategy". The plan calls for the destruction of capitalism in America by swelling the welfare rolls to the point of collapsing our economy and then implementing socialism by nationalizing many private institutions. Cloward and Piven studied Saul Alinsky just like Hillary Clinton and President Obama. Listen as Brannon and his guest James Simpson explain how Cloward and Piven inspired the creation of ACORN that Obama worked for as a community organizer. This interview must be e-mailed all over the country. Americans must awaken and understand the goal of these radicals and what is to come if they succeed. Time is of the essence. Obama is not over his head as some have claimed; he knows exactly what he is doing. Understand the Cloward-Piven Strategy, the rules of Saul Alinsky and their Cultural Marxist worldview and you will understand that what is occurring is not by mistake.
Click here to listen to the broadcast.

Brannon Howse Web Broadcast March 10th, Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose Part II. Brannon has Jim Simpson back and we take your calls on what you think about Obama's deliberate collapse of the U.S. Economy via the Cloward-Piven Strategy. Brannon also declares that we need governors and legislatures to pass Tenth Amendment Resolutions. If the federal government will not comply with the U.S. Constitution and the Tenth Amendment then states should collect all the federal taxes from their citizens and fund their own schools and pave their own roads. We must stop empowering a corrupt, freedom-robbing, unconstitutional, central government.
Click here to listen to the broadcast.

The Cloward-Piven Strategy, Part I, James Simpson
Click Here to read this article

The Cloward-Piven Strategy, Part II, James Simpson
Click Here to read this article

The Cloward-Piven Strategy, Part III, James Simpson
Click Here to read this article

Keep an eye on the Sky

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