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Our last study prepared us for the Bowls of wrath, the last series of judgments. When the Bowls are emptied, God's wrath is completed [Revelation 15:1]. Can we begin to fathom what divine, satisfied wrath looks like? God's wrath has interacted with fallen man since Eden, and through that time, His grace has tempered His judgment [Romans 1:18-23; Ephesians 5:6; Romans 5:9]. Now, restraint is past and complete justice must overflow, as He promised it would. [Revelation 6:10-11; 17] Wrath will pour out of the Bowls in full force.
Our last study prepared us for the Bowls of wrath, the last series of judgments. When the Bowls are emptied, God's wrath is completed [Revelation 15:1]. Can we begin to fathom what divine, satisfied wrath looks like? God's wrath has interacted with fallen man since Eden, and through that time, His grace has tempered His judgment [Romans 1:18-23; Ephesians 5:6; Romans 5:9]. Now, restraint is past and complete justice must overflow, as He promised it would. [Revelation 6:10-11; 17] Wrath will pour out of the Bowls in full force.
As the Lord warned in Matthew 24:8, the
Tribulation judgments would increase in frequency and intensity like birth
pains, until His wrath culminates in His return to the earth at the end of
the Tribulation. We have experienced the Seals and Trumpets through John's
eyes, but now the last seven take us to the maximum intensity of His purpose.
For example, the Seals impacted one-fourth of the seas,
the Trumpets impacted a remaining one-third of the seas; now the Bowls infect
"every living thing" in the seas and they [all] die [Revelation 16:3]. Devastation is complete.
The Bowls also demonstrate the elegant
nature of the orchestrated wrath of a righteous God. Just as His creation was
perfect as recorded in Genesis, so His wrath in redemption of His creation will
be perfectly devised [Romans 8:19-22]. His judgments are crafted to "fit the
crime" and extract the greatest retribution possible from those who defy His
authority. Oh, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let us urge our loved ones
to flee from the great and terrible Day of the Lord by taking shelter in
the blood of Christ Jesus--before it is too late [Joel 2:31-32].
Revelation Chapter 16
The Bowls take place in
rapid-fire succession in the final days of the Great Tribulation, just prior to
Christ's return. The rapid succession is in a sense, mercy. "And unless those
days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those
days will be shortened." [Matthew 24:22] The terrible intensity of the
Bowls falls hard and fast on the lost while their brevity helps spare the
elect. The Sixth Bowl [16:14] includes the last Tribulation battle, the Battle
of Armageddon.
16:1--What is believed to be God's voice, the "loud voice from the temple," commands the seven angels to pour out the bowls of wrath. God, the commander in chief Himself, appropriately issues this final command, assuming direct authority and responsibility for what is to come.
16:2--THE FIRST BOWL--Painful and foul and loathsome sores break out only on those with the Mark of the Beast, those branded with the 666.
We described in Revelation 13 that this Mark
may well be a kind of tattoo worn proudly by Antichrist's followers on their
forehead or right hand [13:16]. Even those who do not follow their leader with
blind devotion must take this Mark in order to work, buy, sell or exist in
Antichrist's economy. So it is that all will "receive" the Mark, unless they
are believers in the one true God. Believers will know that a decision to take
the Mark sentences them to eternal death [14:9-10]. Those who refuse the Mark must flee to a place of refuge or go
underground to avoid enforcement of the Mark. This challenges them to rely on
God alone for their existence. The Lord will provide in the same way He has
provided for His people in the past. A specific
example of this divine protection is in Revelation 12:6: "Then the woman
[Jewish remnant] fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by
God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days."
Those who sell their souls to Antichrist to ensure their physical survival at the expense of their eternal salvation are rewarded appropriately. In exchange for provision in Antichrist's system, they are given horrible, loathsome sores that make life unbearable to live. It may be that the chemicals used in the tattoos will cause a reaction under the skin. Or, the Lord may design a more subtle yet elegant way to infect only the lost.
Unbelievers are like the walking dead,
living on borrowed time until their eternal sentence begins.
The description of the sores as foul and loathsome indicates a terrible odor accompanies the open sores. To the Lord, the corruption of sin is an offensive odor in His nostrils, just as the apostacy of the Laodicean Church made Him as if sick to His stomach, wanting to vomit [Revelation 3:16]. J. V. McGee speculates that these sores will be worse than leprosy, the defining disease of Christ's day, or cancer, the signature disease of our day, because the Tribulation will be a period of time far worse than any other in history [Matt. 24:21]. Could these sores be something like the flesh-eating bacteria that is becoming more prevalent? Whatever form it takes, it will be "loathsome."
The word for "sores" is the same Greek source as for the Egyptian plague in Exodus 9:9-11, for Job's sores in Job 2:7, and for the sores on beggar Lazarus in Luke 16:21. These Biblical examples describe the extent of the agony of those afflicted.
They are incurable, open, oozing sores,
loathsome in odor. Decomposing flesh is one of the most offensive odors.
Imagine what it will be like for those with the Mark to carry the smell of their
own rotting flesh with them wherever they go. What divine irony that the Mark
that is implemented to control Antichrist's masses causes such terrible malady
and chaos.
16:3--THE SECOND BOWL-- The contamination of salt water is complete. The seas become like the "blood as of a dead man; and every living creature in the sea died." MacArthur: "The water in the world's oceans will become thick, dark, and co-agulated, like the blood of a corpse. The death and decay of billions of sea creatures will only add to the misery of this judgment."
The Lord adds to the drama by repeating another historic Egyptian plague. In the Second Bowl, the sea, a womb of life, becomes instead, a tomb. This judgment is similar to the first plague of Egypt, Exodus 7:20. The Egyptians were cursed with the Nile turning to blood because they worshipped the Nile as their life-giver, rather than the true God. Man remains guilty of the same today, worshipping created things rather than the Creator. [Romans 1:25] Humanity learns little from history and is therefore doomed to repeat it.
Those with expensive beach-front property in
the Tribulation will come to regret how close they are to the ocean. Not only
will the sores of the lost stink, the oceans, which comprise the majority of the
earth, will be vast bodies of putrid sludge. Although God designed salt to be a
natural purifier, the oceans will have little time to heal such complete
corruption before the return of Christ to finish His work.
16:4--THE THIRD BOWL -- The contamination of fresh water is now complete as all fresh water also turns to blood. Judgment of fresh water is also similar to the first plague of Egypt. Those who take the Mark will have no fresh water with which to bathe their sores. Imagine life without water. Water is the life-blood of the earth; nothing can live without fresh water. Turning the waters into dead blood symbolizes the death of the earth under man's and Satan's dominion. Note that water is also symbolic of the Holy Spirit in Scripture. Reference the abundance of "spiritual" water during the Millennial Kingdom, Ezekiel 47:1-12, when the Lord reigns on a restored earth. The symbolism is divinely apparent:
The progression in deterioration of these natural resources of fresh and salt water may have begun in the Trumpet Judgments. The affects of the fiery mountain of Revelation 8:8 that turned one-third of the sea into blood may be the catalyst God uses to spread the infection to all salt water. Likewise, the poison of the star Wormwood may have now spread to affect all fresh water. Man refuses to repent and be "cleansed," so God takes away their ability to wash themselves. The terrible odor from global contaminated water will force the population to wear white face masks in an attempt to filter the air they breath.
16:5-6-- Angels are given charge over the physical departments of the universe [Revelation 7:1]. The angel in charge of the waters is not disturbed that the Bowl angel is directed to pollute the waters he oversees. The angel of the waters praises the Lord for giving man what he deserves, as the Bowls are designed to do. He testifies that they received their just desserts because "they have shed the blood of saints and prophets..." Because they shed righteous blood, the Lord has "given them blood to drink." Again, the punishment fits the crime.
16:7-- Another angel from the heavenly altar echoes the AMEN spoken by the angel of the waters. "Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Your judgments." God is just in all judgment, a profound truth repeated in Revelation 19:1-2. [Genesis 18:25] God's attributes of holiness and righteousness are displayed in His perfect judgment. Our awesome God is a God of love, but He is also a God whose holiness demands judgment. The saints under the altar who have been praying for justice to be done now witness justice as only God can deliver it [Revelation 6:10].
16:8-9-- The Fourth Bowl -- When the world is thirsty, the Lord turns up the intensity of the sun. Will the ultraviolet rays of the sun become more harmful because of the pollution of the atmosphere from the natural catastrophes--volcanic eruptions, forest fires, smoke from the abyss, etc.? Creation is so perfectly balanced that Dr. McGee states that God would only need to pull the earth a little closer to the sun--not much--and we would not be able to survive. Will the earthquakes that proceed the last one throw the earth off of its axis? The 2004 December Tsunami in Indonesia did just that, affecting time slightly.
In Malachi 4:1ff, the prophet spoke of "the day" which shall burn like a furnace. "All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire..."
The sun in scripture can also represent supreme government. In the Tribulation, symbolically the government of Antichrist scorches the earth with his global rule, but he and his followers will end up as ashes in the Lord's heat. See also Deut. 32:22-24; Isaiah 24:6; Isaiah 42:25 for other references of the burning of the Tribulation. These examples of "burning" may also refer to the consuming heat of war. Isaiah 42:25--"So he poured out on them his burning anger, the violence of war. It enveloped them in flames, yet they did not understand; it consumed them, but they did not take it to heart."
16:9--Will mankind repent? As the Tribulation progresses, those who are not elect experience the hardening of their hearts, even as the sun sears them. They "cursed the name of God...but they refused to repent and glorify him."
See again Malachi 4, above. Note that to the Jews who revere His name, the Lord is not a burning sun but the "sun of righteousness [who] will rise with healing in His wings..." Isaiah also speaks of the future "glory of Zion" when the sun of righteousness comes: "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the people, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn...Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end." [Isaiah 60:1-3, 20] This is the bittersweet truth of judgment. The same judgment that destroys the lost is the means to save the elect and bring them to repentance and salvation [Jeremiah 30:7-- "Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.".]
16:10-11--The Fifth Bowl-- Darkness over the Kingdom of the Beast, specifically his "throne." The lights go off in the Beast's capital. Ironic that as the sun grows hotter, the light grows dimmer. Suffering is always more intense at night, in the dark. Add darkness to the pain of the sores and no water to drink. If bottled water is still available, it will be rationed and extremely costly. The pain is excruciating because they "gnawed their tongues in agony."
The Fifth Bowl is similar to the ninth Egyptian plague of Egypt, Exodus 10:21-22. In Exodus, the darkness was a "thick" darkness, darkness that could be felt. Deep depression is often described as an emotional darkness, like a deep pit tilled with terror that cannot be escaped. If it is a kind of depression, this could explain why it is only poured out on a specific target area. [See 1 Samuel 16:14-16. The Lord allowed an "evil spirit" to torment Saul, bringing upon him episodes similar to manic-depression.] We are promised that God is not a God of fear [2 Timothy 1:7], but the Beast worshippers are going to find out that if they follow the Beast, they will experience fear on a terrible level.
Reference Isaiah 60:1-3, Joel 2:1-2, 31, and Mark 13:24 for references to the cloying darkness of the Tribulation.
16:12-14--The Sixth Bowl-- The great River Euphrates is "dried up" to create a highway for the armies of the East to advance to Armageddon. God enables them to come to their own execution. The two witnesses were able to bring drought; and now in the last half of the Tribulation, the sun is so hot it may aid in causing the great River Euphrates to go dry. John MacArthur proposes a slightly different scenario. He believes the Lord may have to dry up the river because the intensified sun may melt the ice from Mt. Ararat, causing flooding. If a Bowl "flood" from Mt. Ararat deluges the Euphrates River valley, it would connect the global judgment of the Flood with the global judgment of the Tribulation. Mt. Ararat is identified as the resting place of Noah's ark in Genesis 8:4, but the ark has never been located. Could it be that the ark is exposed when the ice cap melts? This archeological discovery, one of the greatest in world history, would be in direct contradiction of the false one-world religion of Antichrist because such a find would authenticate the truth of the Bible.
The area of the Tigris/Euphrates river valley is significant to Bible history for many reasons. It is thought to be the site of the Garden of Eden, the place of man's first rebellion against God. It is also the area of Babel, the site of man's first organized rebellion against God [Genesis 11]. The River Euphrates is designated over twenty-five times in the Bible. It is the border between East and West, and was the eastern border of Abraham's land grant [Genesis 15:18], and the eastern border of the Roman Empire. It may also figure prominently in the Revived Roman Empire of Antichrist as Babylon may once again be the commercial capital of Antichrist's system [Revelation 18].
The Sixth Bowl is another judgment with a bittersweet, dual application. In Isaiah 11:15-16, we learn that this is part of God's plan to pave the way for both THE LOST to come to Armageddon, and THE REMNANT to come to worship in Jerusalem during the Kingdom.
"The Lord will dry up the gulf of the
Egyptian sea; with a scorching wind he will sweep his hand over the Euphrates
River. He will break it up into seven streams so
that men can cross over in sandals. There will be a highway for the remnant of
his people that is left from Assyria, as there was for Israel when they came up
from Egypt." [See also Is. 66:18-24 and Is. 19:23-24 for
descriptions of the "Route 66" of the Millennial Kingdom. This route will run from Egypt to Assyria
[Syria and Northern Iraq] through Israel. This designated route will enable the
remnants of the Middle East easier access by land into Jerusalem to worship the
King.' New water sources will also be created so
that the wilderness will blossom as the rose in the Kingdom Age. [Is. 35:1]
The way is prepared for the Kings of the East to come for "the battle" on the "great day of God Almighty," another reference to the Day of the Lord. This is the battle of Armageddon.
The kings are drawn to their doom by three evil spirits {that looked like frogs." They are obviously demons as they come out of the mouths of the Satanic trinity, the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet. These demons will be Satanically gifted in Antichrist's propaganda. Similar propaganda based on Nazism plunged the world into war in W.W.II.
Clarence Larkin speculates that Satan's demons will convince the armies to march for the noble purpose of destroying the Jews. Antichrist's system will be convinced the Jews are the cause of all the world's problems. Satan has in the past done his murderous deeds in the guise of religion, such as the Crusades and the Inquisition. [Larkin, p. 145]
In the Sixth Trumpet judgment, Satan employed four demons from the area of the Euphrates to lead a demon army. In the case of the Sixth Bowl, three demons lure the Kings of the East, a human army, to Armageddon. Ironically, Satan, in an attempt to destroy Israel, entices this army, possibly composed of such nations as Red China and other Asian powers, to invade Israel where his chief pawn, Antichrist, is headquartered [Daniel 11:44--"But reports from the East and the north will alarm him [Antichrist], and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many. He will pitch his royal tents between the seas [the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea] at the beautiful holy mountain [Jerusalem]. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him."] Satan doesn't care who he destroys as long as God's people may die in the process. Zola Leavitt feels that the Eastern forces and others begin by coming against Israel, but they end up fighting each other and God himself.
This is the briefest interval between the judgments because they are quickly coming to their conclusion. "Behold, I come as a thief." Notice this passage. It is similar to Paul's words in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4. The Thessalonians passage causes confusion because those who wish to place the Church in the time of the Tribulation assume any coming involves the Church. But Revelation 16:15 is NOT for the Church; it is for the lost. The Lord comes for the Church in the Rapture, and He returns at the end of the Tribulation to deliver the believers and Israel. But He also comes, unexpectedly like a thief, to the lost in the Tribulation--He comes in judgment. The LOST are never prepared for judgment. The Revelation verse is the FULFILLMENT of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4:
"Now brothers, about times and dates we
do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the
Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, 'Peace and safety,'
destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman,
and they will not escape. But you, brothers, are not in darkness so
that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all sons of the light and sons of
the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness."
The brothers are believers; because believers
are always ready, we are not surprised by the Lord's return for the Church. The
Tribulation is darkness, both literal and spiritual darkness [Revelation 16:10-11]. Paul says "you, brothers," men of the Church Age, "do not belong
to...the darkness."
Dr. J. V. McGee [p. 84]: "Christ will never
come as a thief to the church: 'But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that
that day should overtake you as a thief' [1 Thess. 5:4]. A thief is someone you
shut out; you don't welcome him. You don't put a note on the door when you
leave your house which says, 'Mr. Thief, I left the back door open for you. Go
around to that door. The silver is on the third shelf; help yourself.' You
never welcome a thief. You lock him out. Christ does not come as a thief to
His church which is looking for Him. 'Looking for that blessed hope, and the
glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ [Titus 2:13].'
The Lord Jesus Christ does come as a thief to the world at the end of the great
tribulation as the verse before us indicates [Revelation 16:15]. As we saw at
the beginning of the Revelation, the whole earth will mourn because of Him.
They [unbelievers] don't want Him to come. They would like to shut Him out from
ever returning to the earth.
"'Blessed is he that...keepeth his garments.'
What garments are these? Edersheim sheds light on this phrase by explaining
that the captain of the temple made his rounds during the night to see if the
guards were awake and alert. If one was found asleep [literally caught off
guard], he was either beaten or his garments set on fire. I suppose it could be
paraphrased, 'Don't lose your shirt. Be sure that you are clothed with the
righteousness of Christ.'"
The world will live in insane DENIAL of
Christ's coming. Antichrist will convince the lost that the
turmoil on the earth is ushering in a New Age of peace and prosperity rather
than the end of human reign under
" the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon." Dr. McGee points out that this is the only place in the Word where "Armageddon" appears, although there are many references to it. It means literally "Mount of Megiddo," a mount overlooking the plain of Esdraelon in Northern Israel. The valley of Esdraelon is one of the most fertile valleys in the world and has been a place of many battles over the centuries. Napoleon Bonaparte referred to it as one of the most perfect battle sites in the world. It will be the site for the final battle of the War of Armageddon that builds during the last half of the Tribulation. Note in the King James Version that it says "he" gathered them together for the battle rather than "they." God Himself will gather them, although He will use Satan and his cohorts as a vehicle to do it.
16:17-21--The Seventh Bowl-- The battle in verse 16 is accompanied by the final and most SEVERE earthquake. "No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth..."
"It is done." The voice from the throne J. V. McGee feels is Christ himself. Christ also spoke these words on the cross concerning His redemptive work. Now, He pronounces the completion of His wrath in order TO TAKE POSSESSION OF THAT WHICH HE REDEEMED, with the same words.
"It is finished" is a sign post in the Word
that the first and second comings are two parts of one whole work of God in
redemption of His creation. The words "it is done or finished" are book ends of
His purpose. His work is incomplete until it is pronounced FINISHED at Christ's
return. His Second Coming brings full victory and resolution to what
He accomplished at Calvary.
M. R. DeHaan: "...the very last promise in the
Old Testament was also the promise--not of our Lord's first coming, but of His
second [Malachi 4:1]. We, of course, do not underestimate the importance of our
Lord's first advent, to suffer, to die, and to rise again. We would not make
His Second Coming more important than His first, for they are inseparable and of
equal importance. The first coming is incomplete without His second, and the
second is impossible without the first. We merely want to emphasize how
important our Lord's return is, how absolutely essential in the final
consummation of the redemption which He began at Calvary and will complete when
He comes again." [p. 29]
Note another startling similarity between
Christ's first coming and His second. At Christ's death on the cross, the
Father plunged the earth into darkness [Mark 15:33-34] as a sign of divine
judgment against sin. MacArthur: "Jesus felt keenly His abandonment by the
Father, resulting from God's wrath being poured out on Him as the substitute for
sinners." The Lord will plunge the earth into darkness again in the Fifth Bowl
judgment to symbolize divine judgment in the Day of the Lord.
Lightning, rumblings and thunders announced the beginning of the Tribulation in Revelation 4:5 in the throne room. Now they announce the end.
The Great Earthquake divides Jerusalem into three sections. Reference also Zechariah 14:4. It may be this earthquake that God uses to destroy Babylon [14:8; 18:2], and causes all of the cities of the world to collapse. It is a global earthquake of monumental proportions. We are given a close-up view of the fall of Babylon in chapter 18. As we saw in the tsunami in Indonesia, which caused nearby islands to shift slightly from their foundations, this earthquake will cause "every" island to fly away and "the mountains could not be found." THIS EARTHQUAKE WILL LEVEL THE EARTH.
Scientists speak of continental drift. It may
be that these "islands" are whole continents that collide. Much reconfiguration
of the earth will result, changing the topography of Israel to prepare for the
making a poignant statement. Isaiah 2:2--"In the last days the mountain of the
LORD'S temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be
raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it." See also Zechariah 14:10. Although Jerusalem, Christ's capital city, will spiritually be "chief
among the mountains" during the Kingdom, this is also literal and
16:21-- Hailstones weighing as much as 100 pounds are the exclamation point to the global earthquake. As if the worst earthquake in history is not bad enough, it will be accompanied by massive hailstones, equal to twenty five-pound sacks of sugar strapped together with duct tape. Imagine blocks of ice that large falling from the sky--each one hitting like a bomb. Part of the irony is that the people of the earth have been suffering from lack of water. Now the Lord bombs them with it! [Reference Joshua 10:11] Notice that men curse God because of the plague of hail, not the earthquake, "because the plague was so terrible." By this time, the global population has experienced terrible earthquakes, but this judgment of hail is terribly new. The creation will attack man from under his feet with the quake and from over his head with huge hail bombs. There will be little escape as God's wrath hits them from both directions.
What about the remnant? The Lord's elect have the benefit of being forewarned by this book--because the believers of the Tribulation will also not be caught off guard by "the thief in the night." In Isaiah 24:1-6, the prophet warns, "See the LORD is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it; he will ruin its face and scatter its inhabitants...Therefore earth's inhabitants are burned up, and very few are left." BUT THE FEW THAT ARE LEFT AS THE SEED OF THE KINGDOM and are protected. For example, when Christ returns [Zech. 14:5], the valley formed by His feet touching down will be a place to "flee" from the final battle--like a supernatural bomb shelter.
What will Antichrist's false religion look like
in the Tribulation? Are we seeing organized global syncretism and apostacy
forming even now?
Next time: Babylon--The Mother of Harlots.
In Him We Wait, Work, and Watch,
Sharon Clemens
[Prophecy Chat is a weekly commentary of
current events in light of Bible prophecy. Sharon L. Clemens is an evangelical,
premillennial, pre-trib teacher of eschatology. She can be reached for comment
or questions by e-mail at]
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