Friday, July 18, 2008

Doom & Gloom, Horrific Headlines, What’s next in the 21st Century?
by Phil Branch

High fuel prices, Mortgage failures, a recent Bank failure, Immense National debt, War, Iran’s President Ahmadinejad wants to kill us all and wants a passport to the U.S.! Sure I could go on and no doubt this is not the United States best times. But it’s surely not our worst either. So, where am I going? Well in reading an article from Jan Markell talks about “THE WORLD IS SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL!” [click the preceding link to see the full article] I could not help but have two lines of thought. First the U.S. has over come worse hurdles than this in our two + centuries of history. Granted there was different leadership. However, in following my first 3 posts I am still of the opinion “we” can affect change by staying in tune with current events and absolutely use our knowledge of those running for office to make the right choices at election time and of course keep firing off our opinions to our lawmakers and ask for change. You’ll never get anything without asking... or at least get what you want.

My second line of thinking, a Christian “complete bible” view. I say "complete bible" because in today’s world too many of the churches are trying to come to answers without using the “entire book” they are studying and preaching from. Too many make no reference the end of the book, “Revelation”. Furthermore they that do are called divisive. Now I must ask those that read books, do you read up to the last chapter then close the book and call yourself done? Of course not. We should not do that with the bible either. After all, our story will not be complete until the last chapter has come to pass. Anyone teaching the gospel should teach it all.

Revelation 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. 20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

How can we only teach the wonderful things that Christ has done for us in the past and not teach what he is yet to do for us? His/Our story is yet to be completed.

So, in spite of how we feel about current events. We still have a chance to make the most of this world. With Gods help “we” can affect change by making good choices and directing our leaders and lawmakers. If we as Christians are over ruled, we still win in the long run. You see, in the book of Revelation, that many do not care to use, it tells us of Christ’s return and simply put, he will take care of all the mess we humans have created. Furthermore, when you read 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17; he will have taken care of us before the tribulation here on earth.

You see, no matter how bleak current events may look, we really do have a lot to look forward to. Just remember it’s not about us, it’s about Him. It’s not about now, It’s about when (He returns.)

Keep an eye on the Sky


Anonymous said...

Your point that the bible is not being taught from cover to cover resonated with me. As a teacher of bible prophecy, I have been told that the study of the end times and books such as Revelation [eschatology] is not an essential doctrine. How can one doctrine of truth be more true than another? How can we ignore the study of Christ's return when that's what the bible is all about? Everything the fall of man polluted in Genesis is restored, through Christ's victory on the cross AND HIS RETURN TO TAKE POSSESSION, in the Revelation; but that truth is being discounted in the Church.

By definition, there cannot be more than one truth or major and minor truths...truth is truth. It is not relative; it is absolute. And it is all found [manifested] in Christ Jesus [John 14:6].

The bible is "His story" or history--the history of God's dealing with His creation from Genesis to Revelation. To omit the last book, as you said, is to ignore the resolution of all things... "...that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth--in Him." [Ephesians 1:10]

The glorious account of how Christ returns as conquering King to take back His creation and restore all things to His original intention and purpose and bring heaven and earth back together is found most extensively in the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Revelation was written in order to FULLY REVEAL Christ to His believers, which is why its called "the Revelation," and to bring Him all the glory which is rightfully His.

No wonder Satan is censoring it from our churches. No wonder Satan doesn't want us to know that the story has a very happy ending for those in Christ Jesus--but not for Satan. Christ returns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to vanquish Satan and establish first His Kingdom on this earth [Rev. 19-20], and then The New Heavens and New Earth of Eternity [Revelation 21:1]. Then, those in Christ live happily ever after... The happy ending always occurs in the last chapter of the book.

The last stronghold of defense is the homefront; Satan is attacking within the church itself. I can't agree more that we must be watchmen on the wall to prevent the fall of our nation, our churches, and our homes, from the inside-out.

Phil Branch said...

Thank You Sharon, I hope to see more of your insightful commentary.
