Tuesday, May 7, 2013

From the Series: When The Lamb Stands

Note: many scriptural passages are hyper-linked to Bible Gateway KJV of the Bible.. You can "right click them and open in a new tab"

Ezekiel 5:5 – “Thus says the Lord GOD: This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the midst of the nations and the countries all around her.”

After concentrating on Satan’s villains in chapter 13, we are blessed with a look at wrath from Christ's perspective in chapter 14. Antichrist will be allowed to dominate the political and religious world for the last half of the 7-year Tribulation, but he operates only under God’s sovereign control and purpose. In chapter 14, God's purpose is revealed and it is God’s turn to TRIUMPH. Even in the darkest trials, His purpose stands. Our Lord lists seven key proclamations of victory:

  • Our Lord’s FINAL VICTORY and possession of the earth is previewed as He takes possession of Mt. Zion. [14:1] Praise God! What a day that will be.
  • God always has a REMNANT of true believers; in particular here, they are JEWS, affirming God's continuing covenant relationship with Israel. [14:1-5]
  • The ETERNAL GOSPEL is proclaimed to the whole world. [14:6-7]
  • BABYLON, which has been reserved for judgment, is destroyed. [14:8]
  • All who take the Mark of the Beast to be “saved” are shown to have condemned themselves to Hell. [14:9-11]—THE DOOM OF THE LOST is proclaimed.
  • The FULLNESS OF THE MARTYRS for Christ are brought in for His glory. [14:12-13]
  • The Lord Himself directs the HARVEST OF THE LOST for eternal damnation. [14-20]
  • 14:1: This verse previews Christ’s possession of Mt. Zion in the presence of His special, representative remnant of true believers. Just as Israel is the epicenter of the earth [Ez. 5:5--the verse featured above], so Jerusalem is the epicenter of Israel; and Mt. Zion, where the temples of Israel stood, is the epicenter of Jerusalem. Zion is the place of God’s presence with His people. The Temple Mount or Mt. Zion is, therefore, THE EPICENTER OF THE EARTH. Like king of the mountain, he who possesses the Temple Mount lays claim to the earth. That is why the enemies of Israel demand possession of it today. Christ will plant His flag or ensign on Mt. Zion, His “holy mountain,” representing the fact that He has returned to take back possession of the earth from Satan. [Psalm 2; 48:1,2; Is. 24:23]
  • Mt. Zion is specifically the eastern hill in Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount. Details of Christ’s victory to take the Temple Mount are also found in Zechariah 14:4 and following. From Zechariah, we learn Christ makes His victory ascent first to the Mount of Olives opposite the Temple Mount.


Take a side trip for a moment to see some startling symbolism and prophetic fulfillment regarding Jerusalem's city gates. You may remember old hymns that speak of Christ's triumphant entry through the Eastern Gate at His return. According to Jewish tradition, when Messiah comes, he will come into Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate because when the glory of the Lord left the Temple during the Babylonian captivity, He left by the Eastern Gate [Ezekiel 10:18-19]. They also hold to this view because of the prophecies of the Millennial Temple in Ezekiel 43:1-5 which describe the Lord coming to His Temple through the new Eastern Gate. However, there is a distinction as to which Eastern Gate Christ is entering and when.

The Jews believe it is the Eastern Gate existing in Jerusalem even in this day that their Messiah will enter. Recall that most Jews do not believe Messiah has yet come, and they still wait for Him to enter the gate that survives from the Old City of Jerusalem. Because the Jews also do not have the full revelation of scripture, they do not yet understand that the Lord will build His new Millennial Temple Himself, Zech. 6:12-13, and that is the entrance Ezekiel is describing, not a gate that exists now or one that would be adjacent to a Temple they will build.

There will be a Temple built by the Jews on the Temple Mount during the Tribulation which the Jews wrongly believe will be the Third Temple of scripture to replace Herod's Temple. They believe the Tribulation Temple will be the Ezekiel temple. This Tribulation temple is the one John measures in Revelation 11:1-2, and it must exist in order for Antichrist to desecrate it. But it is not the fulfillment of Ezekiel's descriptions of the Millennial Temple. Christ Himself will built His Millennial Temple, Zechariah 6:12-13; and He will enter it in triumph through the new Eastern Gate in order to reign.

However, Christ may also enter Jerusalem at His return, following the SAME PATH HE TOOK ON THE DONKEY WHEN HE CAME TO JERUSALEM TO DIE THE FIRST TIME. [Luke 19:37; Zechariah 14; Revelation 19] From Luke's account of the triumphal entry, we know Christ drew near the city from the descent of the Mount of Olives. This is the direct route through the old Eastern Gate or what was also called The Beautiful Gate.

Dr. McGee believes Christ did not enter Jerusalem through any main gates such as this one until this very day because it was on this day that He presented Himself to Israel as their King. He fulfilled scripture, entering through the Eastern Gate, to do so. ["Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, 'If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.'" Luke 19:41-42] "This day" was also prophesied in Daniels Seventy Weeks, Daniel 9:26--the very day in which Messiah would come but be "cut off" but not for Himself. The date of this fulfillment was The Triumphal Entry, 9 Nisan, A.D.30, which can be perfectly calculated from the time periods given in Daniel 9. Israel should have known their "day" to receive their Messiah from prophetic scripture, yet national Israel exalted Him with their mouths and crucified Him one week later, cutting Him off from His reign.] Dr. McGee also points out that Christ often came into the city through the Sheep Gate, the gate where sacrificial lambs were brought for sacrifice. In this way, he offered Himself as the sacrificial lamb for Israel and the world. But He came as King through the Eastern Gate.

Today, the Eastern Gate remains as part of the original wall enclosing the Temple Mount. If Christ enters through the ancient gate, it would be a double fulfillment of prophecy. He would first enter through it, breaking it open, at His immediate return. Then, forty-five days later [Daniel 12:12], He will enter the new Eastern Gate of His Millennial Temple. Such double fulfillments are those with an immediate fulfillment and an ultimate fulfillment. For example, Matthew 2:15 states that when Joseph took Mary and the baby Jesus to Egypt, it was to ultimately fulfill the Old Testament prophecies of Numbers 24:8 and Hosea 11:1, "Out of Egypt I called My Son." However, the immediate fulfillment of those prophecies was the calling of the nation of Israel out of Egypt in the Exodus.

  • 14:1 Continued: The Lamb is surrounded by His vanguard, the 144,000 who were Jews sealed and commissioned in Rev. 7:1-8, 12,000 represented from every tribe. This remnant represents a particular and specially chosen remnant, made conspicuous by the seal of the Father. In contrast to those who take the Mark of the Beast, these men are righteous and zealous toward their God.
The political statement Christ is making in this chapter is inescapable. He, a Jew, and His people own The Temple Mount. Jerusalem and the land of Israel were given to the Jews in an unconditional promise. (Genesis 15; 1 Chron. 16:14-18) Christ’s return will settle the issue of who owns the Temple Mount and Jerusalem, forever!

  • Much contention exists today over the ownership of the city of Jerusalem in particular. In 2 Samuel 5:7, Jerusalem was captured by David and was called the City of David and Mt. Zion thereafter. It was established as the capital city of Israel centuries ago. See also 1 Chron. 11:4-7; Psalm 48:1-3Mt. Zion is God’s holy mountain; Isaiah 24:23—The Lord will reign on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. It is the hottest piece of real estate in the world.
  • Historical and archeological proof exists that Israel possessed Jerusalem long before its capture by the Turks during the Ottoman Empire when it fell into Muslim hands. Arabs and Muslims contend that there is NO evidence that Jerusalem ever belonged to the Jews. This is a blatant lie.

The fact that the city of Jerusalem is a recurring hot issue in Middle East tensions is a sign of the times. Zech. 12:2-3—“I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling…On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” Literally, the Lord says trying to move the “rock” that is Israel will give the nations a tear or hernia. The comment has been made that the injury results from trying to move Jerusalem, the rock, because THE Rock, Jesus Christ, is sitting on it. [See also Daniel 2:44.]
First, the Lord will LURE the nations to drink of the intoxicating cup of the Jerusalem issue, using Jerusalem as bait, making them drunk in their hate and obsession. Then, He will destroy all those who come against her. The true ownership of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is an issue that may be coming to a head:

  • As Jan Markell states in her article “The ‘Arab Spring’ and Potential Cataclysmic Winter War,” the antagonism may erupt in a war of massive proportions yet this winter of 2011. [www.olivetreeviews.org, July 28, 2011]
  • Mike Evans of the Jerusalem Prayer Team stated in his e-newsletter that “we are now just weeks away from the most important UN vote regarding Israel since 1947.” That vote is currently set for September 20, 2011. [Jerusalem Prayer Team, JPT@donationnet.net, “I have to share this exciting news with you,” August 3, 2011]
  • President Obama is calling for negotiations that would establish a Palestinian state based on the line that existed before Israel captured the West Bank and Jerusalem in the 1967 war and he wants it by September, 2011. This war was launched against Israel by Arab nations, but Israel was victorious. [Newsmax.com, “Report: Netanyahu Said to Relent on Borders,” Monday, 01 Aug. 2011, www.newsmax.com/InsideCover/netanyahu-1967-borders-obama/2011/08/01/id/4056]
  • IS A MIDDLE EAST WAR OF GLOBAL CONSEQUENCES COMING SOON? The issue of Palestinian statehood forced on Israel may be the catalyst for two of the prophetic wars not yet fulfilled in scripture, according to Bill Salus: “Interestingly, there is evidence that the majority of Middle East and North African countries plagued by the current Muslim unrest are involved in end-time Israeli war prophecies. You can read about these forthcoming battles in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39. Psalm 83 identifies an inner circle confederacy of Arab populations sharing common borders with Israel. Their mandate is to wipe Israel off the map, and their motive is the reclamation of Palestine. Ezekiel 38-39 describes an outer ring confederacy destined to invade Israel in the last days. Ezekiel presents a separate set of invaders than those described in Psalm 83. Additionally, they are driven by a different motive, which is the promise of plunder and great spoil (Ezekiel 38:1-13).” Read Bill Salus at www.prophecydepot.net.

Although there may indeed be war in the Middle East before the Tribulation, and conflict will continue in the War of Armageddon, the issue is the same: who owns Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Revelation 14 tells us without a doubt that our Lord Jesus Christ will ultimately stand and reign on Mount Zion.
Can God make His point any clearer? The enemies of Israel tell the lie that the Jews are responsible for the evils of the world. Even the Christian Church is turning against Israel and daring to say the Church replaces them in unfulfilled prophecy [Replacement Theology]. And yet Christ chooses a regiment of Jews to stand with Him at His moment of supreme victory over ALL other nations.
Israel will receive their covenant blessings given to them by Jehovah God, and Israel will reign with Christ as His particular Millennial people, His capital city is Jerusalem, and His capital nation is Israel. Satan, however, will not “leave the mountain” without an intense battle. But he is already doomed to failure.

  • Centuries ago, the Muslims sealed the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem, also called the Golden Gate of The Beautiful Gate, in order to prevent the Jewish Messiah from entering through it. It is still sealed today. What a puny effort to keep God off Mount Zion! When Christ’s feet touch the Mt. of Olives, returning the same way He ascended into heaven [Acts 1], nothing can prevent Him from proceeding across the Kidron Valley to take The Temple Mount from the Gentiles who have dominated it for all The Times of the Gentiles. Even now, the Palestinians have made future plans to build Arab housing in the Kidron Valley in the area of the Eastern Gate to show their disdain for Israel's ownership of the land.

THE TEMPLE MOUNT, JERUSALEM A picture of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem shows the Dome of the Rock, the Muslim mosque, assuming a prominent place. The sealed Eastern Gate is viewed from the Mt. of Olives below the Temple Mount. Notice also the grave markers before the gate. Many Jews have desired to be buried there because they believe they will be resurrected more quickly when Messiah comes. The Muslim Dome of the Rock will not survive the return of Christ. No doubt one of the many earthquakes that will shake the whole earth during the Tribulation will bring it down. Christ will purify His holy city at His return [Zechariah 14:20].

In His Land Seeing Is Believing by Roy Gustafson (World Wide Publications, 1980), pp. 83-84: God has performed many miracles in order to re-establish Israel as a nation and to preserve the Jews until His return. One of my favorite stories involves the conquest of Palestine by the British when it was in the hands of the Turkish government.

“In 1917, General Allenby was in command of British Forces in Palestine. He wondered what was the best way of capturing Jerusalem. Not wishing to injure any sacred place dear to all Christendom, he dared not fire on the city. In his dilemma he cabled the King of England for advice. Back came the message, ‘Pray about it and use your discretion.’ Accordingly, prayer was offered, and then he marched on Jerusalem. Meanwhile, fear had entered into the hearts of the Turks within the city, caused by the remarkable significance of Allenby’s name and their words, ‘Allah-en-ebia!’ GOD IS AGAINST US! The terrifying conviction laid hold upon the entire population that God was really fighting against them. When Allenby arrived at the gates, not a shot was fired. The garrison had retreated and the general marched into the city at the head of his army with absolutely no resistance.

General Allenby entered on foot, December 11, 1917. Allenby Bridge was built to honor this military leader whom God used so miraculously to make conquest of Jerusalem without the firing of a single shot. The bridge, in ruins now, spans the Jordan River even to this day. The famous general told how, as a little boy, he had knelt to say his evening prayers; he was taught to lisp after his mother the closing part of the prayer, ‘And, O Lord, we would not forget thine ancient people, Israel. Hasten the day when Israel shall again be thy people and shall be restored to thy favor and to their land.’ At a reception in London, Allenby said, ‘I never knew that God would give me the privilege of helping to answer my own childhood prayers.’”
The British government was granted a mandate for the administration of Palestine by the League of Nations and then by the United Nations following World War II. Lord Balfour of Britain sponsored a bill that promised the Jews a homeland in Palestine under this mandate. As the Jews poured into the land to escape persecution and the ravishes of the holocaust, the Arabs began to exert pressure on Britain and the UN to close Palestine to Jewish immigration, which they did to court Arab oil interests. The Jews managed to smuggle thousands of displaced Jews into Palestine against great odds. In a United Nations vote for the Partition of Palestine into a Jewish State and an Arab State, the Jews were granted legal recognition of national sovereignty in Palestine. They declared the nation of Israel to be re-born on May 14, 1948. The next day, a coalition of Arab nations declared war on Israel, not wishing to share the partitioned territory. Against incredible odds, Israel survived through the sovereign will of God.
Many miracles took place in the years following WWII, eventually leading to the re-birth of the Jewish nation. The existence of a Jewish nation is considered to be the major stepping stone to the ultimate fulfillment of prophecy. Israel must be in the land in order for the Tribulation to take place—there can be no national “covenant” or treaty between Israel and Antichrist unless a Jewish nation exists, even though it exists largely in unbelief at the beginning of the Tribulation. Israel will be “saved through it” (the Tribulation) and will reign with Messiah on the throne, in Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 30:7; Ezekiel 36)
The miracles yet to come to preserve Israel until their Messiah returns will no doubt eclipse those that have already taken place in Israel’s long history. In both of the wars yet to come mentioned above, Israel’s God will destroy the forces that invade Israel. He will also return personally to destroy the armies of Armageddon that will surround Jerusalem, the final victory previewed in Revelation 14:1. Amos 9:14-15 promises: “I will bring back the captives of My people Israel…I will plant them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have given them.”

THE 144,000 JEWISH REMNANT in the Battle of Armageddon:

  • This is the sealed Jewish remnant of chapter 7, saved Jewish young men. They are like Christ’s special forces or vanguard of His army at His return. In the last days of the 7-year Tribulation, they may be among the fighting force holding the city of Jerusalem (Zech. 12), and now wait for His coming to the Mt. of Olives opposite the Temple Mount to lead the assault to take POSSESSION. Just as Christ’s ancestor David conquered Jerusalem by leading a Jewish force, Christ, the Son of David, will return to take it for the last time. The remnant may be making their last stand at the site of the Tribulation Temple, holding on against incredible odds until Messiah comes.
  • Zech. 12:8-9; 14:2-4—“On that day the LORD will shield those who live in Jerusalem, so that the feeblest among them will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the Angel of the LORD going before them. On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem…. A day of the LORD is coming when your plunder will be divided among you. I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city. Then the LORD will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights in the day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south. You will flee by my mountain valley, for it will extend to Azel. You will flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then the LORD my God will come, and all the holy ones with him. On that day there will be no light, no cold or frost. It will be a unique day, without daytime or nighttime—a day known to the LORD. When evening comes, there will be light.”
This fulfills Psalm 2:1-6 –“Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against his Anointed One. (Anointed One is Messiah in Heb., Christ in Greek) ‘Let us break their chains,’ they say, ‘and throw off their fetters.’ The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, ‘I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill.’”
Just when the battle seems impossible to win and the city is about to fall, Christ returns to save the day—and the age. He orchestrates the timing for optimum effect. How glorious will be His coming—how awesome will be His victory! [Read Matthew 24:27-30.]


  • 14:2-3: The Harpists before the throne teach the 144,000 a “new song” that only the 144,000 could learn. Who are these particular harpists who accompany the remnant? Larkin believes they are those in 15:2-4believers who were martyred through the persecution of “the beast.” They sing “the song of Moses,” and “the song of the Lamb.” This is the NEW SONG they teach the 144,000, a combination of an ancient Hebrew song with a new Hebrew song of Messiah the Lamb. The original Song of Moses is in Deut. 32:1-43 and traces the redemptive work of the Lord through Israel’s history. As the firstfruits of the redeemed of Israel, it is appropriate that the Song of Moses prophesying the redemption of the 144,000 would be joined with the Song of the Lamb, representing their fulfilled redemption.
  • Larkin and Wiersbe believe chapter 14:1-5 is a picture of Mount Zion in the HEAVENLY throne room, not the earthly Zion. Others believe the immediate fulfillment of the 144,000 on Mt. Zion is on earth at Christ’s Second Coming, as discussed above.
  • 14:4-5: As we saw in chapter 7, this Jewish remnant is probably young and unmarried, having devoted themselves to the urgent Gospel of the Kingdom and to Messiah, the Christ. During times of persecution, it is difficult to have a family. Our Lord mentioned the hardship of those who would be mothers during the great tribulation: “And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!” Matt. 24:19. It will be difficult to protect children in the deprivation of those days and when the remnant must flee for their lives.
  • Lehman Strauss on vs. 4: They follow the Lamb wherever He goes, indicating their devotion—their lives are not their own. They are truly separated and sanctified and free from spiritual fornication, unlike the world around them. James 4:4 states that friendship with the world is hatred towards God, and they have avoided such contamination. Compare their devotion to the followers of the one-world system of Antichrist in Rev. 18:9. It is said of them, “the kings of the earth …committed adultery with her (the harlot) and shared her luxury…”
  • FIRSTFRUITS, Vs. 4: They are called an offering of “firstfruits to God and the Lamb.” Does this mean they were killed? Ultimately, MacArthur believes this verse can be seen as a preview of their glorious entrance into the heavenly Jerusalem. However, MacArthur believes they are not killed during the Tribulation. Like the Old Testament firstfruits offerings which were offered before the harvest (which follows in vs. 14), these are sanctified and set apart for special service to God (Deut. 26:1-11), not martyrdom. Some see firstfruits as the first large group of redeemed Israel. So, these are also representative of more converts to follow, the firstfruits of a redeemed Israel and of a redeemed remnant (Romans 11:1-5, 11-15, 25-27). Romans 11:15, 16—“For if the casting away of them (Israel) be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? For if the firstfruits be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.”
  • Also in comparison with the lost, the 144,000 do not lie or believe “the lie.” They speak God’s truth accurately. “Without fault (blemish)” does not mean sinless, but sanctified (Eph. 1:4; 5:27; Col. 1:22). They are clothed in the righteousness of Christ.

Christ appoints three angels to proclaim the CLOSING OF THE DOOR OF MERCY. Although God’s mercy is abundant even in wrath, opportunity is nearly gone. Time is up for people to repent and turn to God. Because of the seriousness of impending final judgment, the three Angels give THREE PROCLAMATIONS as part of the 7 total statements of victory:

1. 14:6-7: THE FIRST ANGEL has the proclamation of THE ETERNAL GOSPEL, which is proclaimed to EVERY people of the earth. A significant prophecy of the Tribulation is fulfilled in this. According to the Lord’s own words, the Lord will not return in judgment and close the doors to the Kingdom until all peoples have the opportunity to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. Matthew 24:14—“…this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and THEN the end will come.” The Gospel of the Kingdom is this Eternal Gospel [1 Cor. 15:1-10], but with the urgency that the King is near and time is almost UP. This is the picture in many of Christ's parables--the return of the King [See Luke 19:11-12]. It is also the Eternal Gospel because with the return of the King, His Gospel extends into the Kingdom and then into all Eternity.


Note first that global evangelization does not mean global conversion. As we will see in the Harvest of the Lost, the remnant of the saved in the Tribulation is small in comparison with those who reject the Gospel of Christ Jesus and are eternally lost. However, all will have the opportunity to hear truth in the Tribulation.

  • Although the Church was given the “great commission” to “make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:16ff), a point of completion or saturation is not indicated. Rather it is an on-going mandate to Christ-followers to evangelize anywhere in the world the Holy Spirit puts us as part of our Christian identity. A global saturation of the Gospel is not revealed until Matthew 24:14 where it applies to the Tribulation; it is important to not lose the context of the verse.
  • We see the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 in Rev.14:6. It is the 144,000 Jews [Rev. 7], the two Jewish witnesses [Rev. 11], and finally the Angel of the eternal gospel [Rev. 14:6] who are the PARTICULAR vehicles God uses to accomplish global proclamation, not the church, which has already been raptured into heaven before the Tribulation begins. Note in Matthew 24:14 that the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom "in all the world" is accompanied by a "therefore" in verse 15. What is the "therefore" there for? It associates the abomination of desolation to the time of the Gospel of the Kingdom fulfillment. The abomination marks the mid-point of the Tribulation and has no reference to the Church Age because the Tribulation is "the time of Jacob's [Israel's] trouble..." Jeremiah 30:7. The Tribulation is also called The 70th Week of Daniel, also a reference to a designated time for God's dealing with Israel [Daniel 9]. But all is for the purpose of saving Israel "out of" the Tribulation fire by purging them of their impurity [Zechariah 13:9]. Note that in Revelation 13, the abomination of desolation or image of the Beast in the Temple was also described just preceding the global saturation of the Gospel. THIS IS THE CORRECT CONTEXT FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GLOBAL GOSPEL SATURATION.
  • Gospel of the Kingdom: This particular term for the Gospel—Gospel of the Kingdom—also indicates that the message is not designed for the Church Age. The Church preached the Gospel of the Good News. The Gospel of the Kingdom in Matthew 24:14 references the Millennial Kingdom, the one promised in particular to Israel, the fulfillment of their covenant promises. This particular Gospel message, like the message of John the Baptist and the two witnesses, is short and to the point because it is designed TO PRECEDE THE COMING OF ISRAEL'S KING.
  • The Gospel of the Kingdom was extant only twice—when the King came the first time and when He returns. “Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come,” Rev. 14:7. It is a repentance message with urgency. John the Baptist proclaimed it like this: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" [Matthew 3:2]. As Dr. McGee would say, the kingdom at Christ's first coming was present or "at hand," but only in the person of the King. When He returned to heaven before establishing the Kingdom on earth, the kingdom was interrupted and the Church Age began. But when He returns, the Kingdom will be manifested.

The Church confuses the issue of global missions with false theology by insisting that the Church can bring in the Kingdom [Kingdom Now, Dominion Theology]. Only Christ will establish His Kingdom and it is a Jewish Kingdom in which the Gentiles will share; however Gentiles will not have the prominence. The Times of the Gentiles end with the Tribulation. [Luke 21:24]

The Gospel of the Kingdom was given to Jews who were continually looking for their King Messiah. The last question the disciples asked was, "Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" [Acts 1:6] They still did not understand that the Kingdom was on hold until His return because Israel rejected their King. It was this question that was also on their minds when they asked the Lord to clarify the events leading up to the Kingdom [Matthew 24:3]. He answered by describing the Tribulation and His Second Coming.

  • 14:7--Note that the Gospel the Angel proclaims refers to God as The Creator—He who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water. The one who created the universe owns it and rules it. Finally, humanity is faced with the bottom line. It is to the Creator we must give our allegiance, not Satan or Antichrist. As Dr. McGee liked to say, it all goes back to Genesis where everything began. Satan is not a creator—he is a destroyer. “Destroyer” is the meaning of his names Abaddon and Apollyon in Rev. 9:11.
  • At the King’s return, He will establish the Kingdom on the earth and He needs no help to do so [Zech. 6:12-13]. The Gospel of the Kingdom [Eternal Gospel] warns the earth to worship the Creator King of the earth because He is coming soon to destroy the false king and to reign in power.



2. 14:8: THE SECOND ANGEL proclaims BABYLON IS TO BE DESTROYED. Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great…” “Fallen” is the Greek prophetic aorist tense—given as if it had already taken place. This previews the fall of Antichrist’s religious, economic, and political SYSTEM referred to by God as Babylon. It is speculated that the economic center of this system will be in the actual rebuilt city of Babylon in Iraq. However, the religious center of the system may be in Rome, Italy. We will look more closely at Babylon in chapters 17 and 18.

3. 14:9-11: THE THIRD ANGEL proclaims the absolute DOOM OF THE LOST. The Mark of the Beast, 666, seals their fate. Although they take the Mark to insure their earthly security, it dooms them ETERNALLY. The lost must RECEIVE the Mark by a free will choice. If babies and small children are marked, they are not necessarily doomed because it was not their choice. Those who take the Mark of the Beast proclaim their own destruction by labeling themselves INCOMPLETE—666, which is 111 short of God's number of completion = 7.


  • 14:12-13: In verse 13, we have reached the place where the cry of the martyrs under the throne in Rev. 6:9-10 is answered. In chapter 6 they were told to wait for the Lord to take vengeance until ALL their brothers had come in. Here, we may be seeing the last of the martyrs come under the throne. As the Harvest of the Lost immediately follows, which is the Lord’s vengeance and “the great winepress of God’s wrath,” the martyrs are being told their deaths will now be avenged. His return will also HALT the martyrdoms. The last of their number, having endured longer, are blessed.


This is thought to be one of the bloodiest portions of scripture. It is a metaphor describing the Lord’s directed attack on the lost of the earth when He returns. His robes become red with the blood of His enemies [Isaiah 63:1-3].
  • 14:14-16: SON OF MAN: The Lord’s favorite name for Himself. He became a man to save man—He will also judge fallen man, which He has the right to do. He offered Himself as their atonement, but they rejected Him.
  • The imagery of the Lord on a cloud is from Daniel 7:13, 14 and emphasizes majesty (cf. 1:7; Matt. 24:30; 26:64; Acts 1:9-11). The “cloud” may also represent the shekinah glory, God’s presence in the Old Testament—the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.
  • GOLDEN CROWN: He wears the victor’s crown, a laurel wreath of gold. Christ will triumph over Antichrist in earthly victory. The sickle, a harvesting tool with a razor-sharp curved blade, represents swift and devastating judgment. [Note that a mythical creature called The Grim Reaper is often pictured to represent death, and he carries a large, sharp sickle. Here, however, it is our Lord who wields the sickle. He cuts down the lost not just in death, but in eternal death. Only He is not an evil entity; He is righteous and just in His judgment. "Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come..." We need not fear death when the Lord is our God because He is also eternal LIFE to those who fear Him.]

To affirm this somber message, Christ uses the same symbolism in Matt. 13:37-43, the parable of the wheat and the tares [weeds]. The end of the age judgment is also likened to a harvest in our Lord’s parable. The wheat and weeds are separated by the angels’ blades. Until this moment in time, God has allowed evil to grow and flourish so that it will reach the outer limits of wickedness. Man will prove that without God, “every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.” [Genesis 6:5] This is proof His judgment is just.

The scene is likened to the Lord directing the angels to act as His harvesters, only instead of grapes, they are cutting down the lost with large sharp sickles and throwing the bodies into a winepress that represents God’s wrath. IT IS TIME TO HARVEST BECAUSE “THE EARTH IS RIPE.” In 2 Timothy 3:13, Paul warned that “evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. Man’s evil will tax God’s patience until His wrath cannot be contained AND IT OVER-FLOWS. Also, in vs. 18, another angel from the altar of incense and fire—the altar of prayer—comes to take part. He is there, MacArthur believes, to insure that all the prayers of the saints for justice are fulfilled.

  • Vs. 18 –“…gather the clusters of grapes from the earth’s vine…” Lehman Strauss—In John 15:5 Christ says “I am the vine…the TRUE vine; ye are the branches. Here the grapes that are being harvested are those of “the earth’s vine,” the system of Antichrist and the counterfeit vine. Strauss believes the clusters of grapes represent the apostate church of the Tribulation. The Antichrist also has his branches, the wicked nations of the world. (Hebrews 2:3)
  • Instead of grape juice, blood flows out of the press as the Lord “tramples” the lost outside “the city,” Jerusalem. The blood flow can be taken literally as it is called literal “blood.” It will flow as high as a horses’ bridle (5 feet), for a distance of 200 miles, roughly the length of the nation of Israel at present. In the Word, the length of Israel is described as from Dan to Beersheba. Since the War of Armageddon will take place from the North in the Valley of Armageddon, South to Bozrah and Judah (Zach. 12; Is. 63:1-6), blood will certainly flow the length of Israel.
  • McGee: “The precious blood of the Lamb having been rejected, the blood of those who defied God to follow and worship the Beast bathes the earth.” READ Joel 3:9-17 for another description of this battle. THE FIRST TIME HE CAME TO SHED HIS OWN BLOOD—THE SECOND TIME HE WILL COME TO SHED THE BLOOD OF HIS ENEMIES. (Is. 63:1-6)
  • It is likely that the blood flow will follow the trench (Arabah) of the Jordan River from the Valley of Megiddo to the Gulf of Aquaba, which is approximately 200 miles, north and south. During the Millennial Kingdom, an artesian spring of water will flow from underneath the altar of the new temple. (Ezekiel 47:1-12) We are told it will flow into the Jordan and also into the trench formed by the split of the Mount of Olives. Fresh “spiritual” water will connect Jerusalem to the Mediterranean Ocean and to the Gulf of Aquaba and cleanse the Jordan of the blood of the battle. This is a beautiful metaphor of how Jesus, the living water, will cleanse creation of sin.

While He is harvesting the lost, He is also sheltering the saved. In Zech. 14:4-5, the trench that forms when His feet touch down on the Mt. of Olives, serves as a kind of bomb shelter for the remnant that is still alive in Jerusalem. Those who are saved and live through the Tribulation will be a small “gleaning.” Isaiah describes the remnant in Is. 24:13-16. He likens them to what is left on the vines after the harvest is completed—and here in Rev. 14, the harvest is of the LOST. After the LOST AND ABUNDANT GRAPES are taken out, only what is left is the saved, living remnant, barely clinging to the vine. But they shall raise their voices in joy, acclaiming the Lord’s majesty, because Christ IS the vine, John 15:1.

The 7 Angels of the Bowls are announced. These are the LAST of the plagues, because with them GOD’S WRATH IS COMPLETED.

In Him We Wait, Work, and Watch,
[Prophecy Chat is a weekly commentary of current events in light of Bible prophecy.]

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